Chapter 28

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A few hours later everyone came in. I went to Edward and kissed him. "How was your hunt?" I asked him. "Very good. Thank you Love." I nod and we walk in the living room and I sit on his lap. I lay my head back on his chest and close my eyes. "Bella?" I hear someone say. "Hmm?" I asked keeping my eyes closed. "Do you still wanna do the run in the woods with me and if we come across any animals then we can eat too?"

I hear Carlisle say. I open my eyes and smile. "Yea I do, come on lets go." I get up and I go to Carlisle. "Be home before dark please." Esme says. "But-" I say, "No don't yo argue with me missy." I huff, "Ok fine." I say. We then run out. "I love you!!" Esme yells. "Love you too!!!" I yell back.

We both jump over the river and we run farther and farther in the woods. We were going more then 100 miles per hour, (160 kilometers per hour) but everything seemed to go by as if I was walking. "Bella follow me I wanna show you something." Carlisle said. "Ok lead the way." I say he takes a sharp turn right and I follow him. After a few minutes we stop and I look around.

You could see everything. We were on top of a mountain and you could see lights miles upon miles away, then tress off to the side then you saw some water, it was the ocean. "This is beautiful." I say, "Yea it is I come here when I need to think or be alone the only other person that knows this is Alice of course." I nod, "Of course she would know she's Alice." He nods and laughs. We sit there for a while then we head home. "You need to ask Jasper if he will walk you down the asle with me. Sometime soon."

"Yea I know but when is the right time to ask?" "Well, I don't know only you know when the right time to ask is." I nod and we dont talk anymore as we get closer to the house. We soon get to our house and we go inside. I walk right to the living room and plop on Edward's lap. I look around and see everyone but Jake. "Where did Jake go?" I ask. "He left right before you came in." Jasper said. I look at him and frown. "Oh, um ok. I'm going to bed." I say I get uo and run to my room. I go to my closet and grab some night clothes.

I walk out and i go to the bathroom. I gran 2 towels and set everything up. I start the water and make sure it is warm and I pit in bubbles and scented oils. I turn around and scream as I see my Logan and Liam there I flinch back at the same time and I trip and fall into the water. My back hits the side of the tub while my legs were hanging over the side of the tub. I spot out water and my family comes running in concerned since I screamed.

They all come in and everything is quiet for a second then Emmett falls on the ground laughing. Then everyone else joins, even myself. "Damn Bella how clumsy can you get as a vampire?" Emmett says. "I dont know." I say laughing. Emmett leaves and comes back with a camera. "No don't you dare Emmett." I say he puts the camera to his eyes and I hear the low "click" from the camera. I growl and get up I run towards him and his smile disappears and he runs away.

I chase after him as he runs around the house laughing and waving the camera above his head. I set my eyes on the camera and I jumo up and grab the camera out of his hands and he looks up and stops running. I do a flip above his head and I land 5 feet away from him I wave goodbye and run away from him deleting the picture from his camera. Once it is deleted I stop running and band the camera back to him smiling. I then go to the living room and crouch down in front of Logan and Liam.

"What did you guys need earlier?" I asked gently. "Can we take a bath with you mommy?" Liam says. "Of course babies. Let me go stay some water and get clothes." "Already done." Alice said, I look up at her. "I saw you all takes a bath together while you were chasing Emmett around the house so it is already done. At the perfect temperature. Plus some towels and clothes." "Thank you Alice. "Your welcome Bella."

I grab their hands and we walk upstairs. I get the boys undressed and in the bath then I head to my room and put on a bathing suit since they ar getting older and all. Once that is on I get in the bath tub and see Alice put a few toys in the tub for the boys. I lay my head back and close my eyes. 30 minutes later they both were fighting. "Stop fighting you 2." I say I look at both of them and they both ignore me and keep fighting. They were fighting over a toy. "Liam! Logan! Stop right now, you 2." I say louder.

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