Chapter 25

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A few weeks later**

"Darlin time to wake up, it is graduation." I slowly open my eyes and look at Jasper. "Noooo!!! It's Barbie Bella time." I say whining then Alice burst through the door smiling. I lay back down covering my face with my blanket as I dread the next 2 hours. Tears almost come to my eyes. I really hated barbie Bella. "Darling it's fine she has a limit this time." He says as he grabs my hand that is holding the blanket above my head.

I peak out the blanket and he smiles sadly at me. "Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, and  Edward went hunting they'll be here in about an hour. I'll go make your favorite food and your favorite coffee." Jasper says. I nod and he leaves. Rose comes in with Vivienne and they pull me out of bed and sit me down on my chair in front of my vintage mirror and ask with my beauty products. "Ok close your eyes and dont peak." Alice says. "I have to be able to see to eat Alice."

"Ok then we'll turn you around when we have to." She says I roll my eyes and then close them. After half an hour the door opens. I get turned around, "Bella you can open your eyes now." Vivienne says. I open them and see Jasper with a tray and my food with a huge glass of coffee. My eyes widen when I see the coffee and I smile hugely. He sets the food on my lap and sits on my couch. I start to eat, "How is it going?" He asks. "Long and boring." He chuckles.

"Well at least your done with school for a couple years." I roll my eyes and start eating again. After another half an hour I am done and he takes care of it. Jasper never returns and I am sad by that we were talking and he was making this torture bearable. "Dont worry Bella Esme and Carlisle will be home in 15 minutes hang in there." He says. "You left me with your she devil of a mate!" I yell. "I love you!!" He yells back. I groan. Alice does my makeup while Rose did my hair and Vivienne painted my nails.

I heard the door open down stairs and smiled. "Mom dad help me!!!! Alice is doing Barbie Bella!!!!" I yell as soon as the door closes. I heard Emmett chuckle along with Edward while Esme and Carlisle sigh. They run up here and their eyes widen. "I thought she had a damn limit? Its been an hour and 45 minutes!" I say angry. "Alice." Esme says looking at her. "But Es-" She begins. "No." Esme says. "Please-" "Alice your mother said no, and Bella doesn't need makeup to look beautiful she already is just like every single one of you."

Carlisle says. "He's right, we just need to do hair and nails which is done." Vivienne said. "And I have one touch up that will only be a minute." Rose said. "Fine 2 minutes." I say as I started my clock. Then within a minute and a half she was done. "Ok, ok, ok, Carlisle out, its dressing tiiiime!" Alice says. I groan and I get up. Esme covers my eyes as they find my dress.

After a few minutes I feel them slip on a tight short dress. It stopped a little above me knees and straps were on my shoulders then slowly connected behind my neck. They put on some stilettos on me. "ok, ok. Look!!" Alice says. I open my eyes with a smile and gasp.

I was in a tight shirt red dress then went mid thigh

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I was in a tight shirt red dress then went mid thigh. There were sparkles on the straps, it had a sweetheart neckline. My hair was down and in waves all the way down my back. My make up was light simple since Alice took a lot off.

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