Chapter 18

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Soon gym comes and I dread it. I change into a tank top with a hot pink sports bra under it and some black leggings. I walk into gym with the girls and stand next to my family. The teacher quiets everyone down. "Ok today we are playing dodgeball for fun." Everyone cheers. Me and my family are on the same team.

We walk to the back of the gym and we wait as everyone gets ready and soon the game starts. After a while someone from my team throws a ball and it lands in the bleachers. Nathan climbs up there. "OH god." Me and Alice say. I lay my head on Jasper's shoulder. "Why do people have to be so stupid?" People were cheering Nate on.

He gets it and throws it down. People clap and he falls down. When he hits the floor we hear a loud crack, well loud for us. I almost puke. Then you smell it. The blood. I hear a hiss. I go behind Jasper and grab his neck with his head on my chest. People were talking loudly concerned. Everyone runs up to him. Jasper was fighting back.

"I got him go to the teacher and tell him family emergency." I say. Jasper growls. "Go!" Alice says. I sneak us out of gym and I hold his neck tightly. I still had on my heels so I was as tall as him. We soon get on the parking lot. Someone was bleeding there also. They were about 30 feet away from us. I swore in my head.

He struggles to break free even more now. I get him to the woods, and I run deeply in them. When he gets to much I force him on the ground. With him laying on the ground, I get on top of him. I put his hands over his head. "Jasper. Fight it. I know you are strong." I hear running behind me. My family stops a few feet away.

Vivienne gets off Edward's back. Jasper fights harder as he glares at Vivienne. Emmett puts her behind him. "Jasper look at me." I say. He still stares at Vivienne. I look around and he throws me off. I land on my back. I get up. Edward and Ronnie holds him against a tree a foot from Vivienne and Emmett. I run over to him.

I grab a sharp piece of wood. Then I cut my wrist where a major vain is. I grunt in pain. Then I put my wrist to his mouth. "Come on Jasper. You can fight this. Look at me Jasper." I feel him suck my blood. It hurts a little. I move closer to him. "Love not to close."

"He won't hurt me." I say. I slowly put my hand to his cheek. "Come back to me Jasper. I know you are stronger then this." His eyes slowly turn back to gold but not fully. Tears come to my eyes. He still struggles. "Calm down Jasper, your fine your not gonna hurt Vivienne. Come back to your family." He sucks less on my wrist now. And his struggles stop. Then he looks me in the eyes. Edward and Ronnie slowly lets go of Jasper. I slowly bring my wrist down.

Then he hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" I hug him back. "No you didn't hurt me." He nods and lets go. He goes over to Vivienne and hugs her. "I'm sorry." "I know you are and I know it wasn't you." Vivienne gets on Edward back and we all run back to school. We all change into our regular clothes. This class had 5 minutes left. We just went tot he parking lot. I got a call from Carlisle while I was talking with Alice and Rose.

I look at the caller ID and I see it is Carlisle's number. I pressed accept and put it to my ear.

Hey Daddy.

Hey. So I called your History teacher and see said it is fine if you and Jasper go to Sunday detention.

Ok. Thank you.

Your welcome see you in a few minutes.

You too.

I hang up. The bell rings and me and Jasper get our helmets on. "We will meet you ball at the baseball field." They nod I kiss Edward and we all leave. We part ways and I drive home. When we get there I just leave my bike on. We walk inside and Esme and my baby boys are gone. Carlisle must have picked them up.

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