Chapter 8

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Schedule up top in case you forgot it!

We make it to my family and I smile at them. "Rose time to walk to class." I hook my arm around hers and we walk to our English class. The teenage boy's whistle at us. "Pigs." Me and Rose say. I hear Jasper and Emmett growl. Me and Rose smile and I sit next to Jasper. "Thanks for the help Jazz." He smiled. I leaned against his shoulder. "No problem." The teacher sent on with the lesson. Soon the bell rang. Soon me and Jasper made our way to Calculus we met up with Vivienne, Edward and Ronnie. We all went in. Another jock looked at me then whistled. "Damn misses Texas." I looked at him. "Go to hell." I said In his face. "Fuck off my girl." Edward said coldly. I sat in the middle of the room. The teacher came in. "Alright class calm down stop talking." He said. "Ok the lesson for today is-" "Wait." Noah said. Everyone looked at him. "Can we just discuss how hot Isabella and Rosalie are like damn. All the boys who want to hit that raise your hand." Everyone raised there hand besides Ronnie, Edward and Jasper.

"Oh look her own boyfriend doesn't even want her. That is just sad." I stood up pissed off and hurt. "NO the reason he didn't raise his hand is because he respects my feelings unlike every male in this room besides my family. They respect my feelings not you pigs, you only want me for fucking sex nothing else they actually love me." I pick up my bag and storm out tears streaming down my face. "BELLA!!" Jasper, Vivienne, and Edward yell. I ignore them. I storm out and run into the woods.

Am I only good for sex? Is that why people just want me for that? What am I to this world? What is my purpose? Why am I so broken?

"Bella! Bella!" I hear my family yell. I was having a panic attack and I was crying and sobbing. I was on my knees with my elbows on my thighs and my head in my hands. "Bella are you ok?" I hear Vivienne say. I could smell Jasper, Vivienne, Edward, Ronnie, Emmett, Alice and Rose. Someone got in front of me. I was gasping for breath. "Bella look at me Darlin." I didn't move. it felt like no air was going to my brain, or heart.

"Bells look at me please." I was still thinking the same thigs over. I heard someone gasp. It sounded like Edward. He told everyone what I was thinking. When did I let my shield down? You didn't Babes I did for you. Izzy said. Why? Cause maybe he can talk some sense into you. I didn't reply. I was still having a panic attack. Then everything went black.

There was some buzzing noises around me. I opened my eyes and saw I was laying on Jasper's lap. "What happened?" "You blacked out. You were only gone for about 5 minutes." Jasper said. I nod and get up slowly. Rose came up and fixed my makeup and hair. Once she was done we all ran back. "So it is 4th period we have been out here for a while." Alice said. I nod and we all fix ourselves. "It doesn't look like I cried does it?" Rose smiles. "Don't underestimate me. you look as good as new." I smile and I walk to History with Jasper. Of course we were late. Again.

We walked in and everyone looked at us. "Why are you late this time Mr. Hale and Miss Cullen?" "Personal reasons." I said simply. She looked at us suspiciously. We sit in the back. "Those aren't your assigned seats." "Well no duh. I'm not moving soo." "Why?" She said back. "Because I need my best friend right now and there is nothing you can do about it. Now stop wasting this time and do your job and teach false things about our history." She looked greatly offended.

She turned around and taught something. Once the bell rang we left and went to the café. I get my food and sit at our table. Me and Vivienne start eating. Once I am done after 20 minutes we still have 40 minutes left. I get on my phone and call Esme.


Hi mom.

Hello Bella wanna talk to your kids?

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