Chapter 1

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So it's been a few months since the kids were born, Liam and Logan. I have to go back to school tomorrow and leave my babies alone with Esme. I am upset but I will survive hopefully. So the only people that know I got pregnant is just the Cullen family hopefully. So far the twins grow a little faster than normal but not by much.

We also found out on there 10 birthday they will be full grown and be stuck at the age of 18 and forever look like it. The Volturi don't know about the kids yet and hopefully never will. Right now if we go out in public Esme has to be with us so people get the idea that it's her children. Everyone is scared of us because of their non human eyes and pale skin and unbelievable beauty.

So all the girls plus my boyfriend Edward are out buying some clothes for school. I look a lot different from last year. My hair has gotten thicker and more full and longer. It's down to my waist. I have filled out more and I don't know why. I still sometimes have panic attacks, and me and Jasper are best friends and inseparable. Me and Edward are in love.

My fashion has changed a lot. And I like to show my scars that Charlie gave me, it shows that in am strong. We are driving to the mall in Seattle. Me and Edward are with the twins in his Volvo. And the rest of the girls are in Rose's red shiny BMW. Me and Jasper were right, about Edward, and Alice having another mate for best friends called BFFE or Best Friends For Eternity. I grab Edward's hand and look behind me at Logan and Liam.

They look to be about 6 months and they can understand everything we say. "Liam Logan in public you have to call Esme mom because I am not old enough to have kids." They both looked at me and smiled. We made it to the mall and me and Edward got our kids. Esme came over with a twin stroller. I put Logan on the left side and Liam in the right side.

I then grab Edward's hand and start to walk next to Esme pushing the children. Alice, Rose and Vivienne ran into Victoria secret. I rolled my eyes. I went to the section for leggings and found some really cute black ones that have little slits on the outside of my ankles. I then grabbed a sports bra and a pair of comfy slippers I went to the chair and bought them. The girls were all wondering around when Logan and Liam started to cry I ran over there and saw that they both lost their pacifiers.

(Nooks, Pacifiers, whatever you call them where you live that is what they are called were I live.) I grabbed them and wiped them off and gave them back to them. I then went to Edward and held his hand. After about half an hour we left and went to another store. After 3 hours me and Vivienne got hungry. "Dammit Alice if I don't get something to eat soon I will never go shopping with you again." I said more than pissed." "Yea I'm hungry to Alice you have to remember that we are human or half human for Bella." Vivienne said.

Alice sighed. "Fine." We all walked to the food court and me and Vivienne got some cheeseburgers with fries. Rose and Esme fed the twins while we ate. "We are going home after this." I said. "But..." Alice said. "No." "But-" "no." "Please?" "No." "Alice we have been here for 3 fucking hours. Next time you and Rose can go if you want to be here longer. Me, Vivienne and the twins are tired. And I want to see Jasper. So no you can come anytime you want we have bought at least 2 thousand dollars worth of clothes, shoes, and jewelry, so we are leaving."

She sighed and pouted. Once we all got done eating we went home. Me and Edward put the twins in the back in their car seats. We then got in and buckled up. We then started to drive home and I fell asleep. I woke up in mine and Edward's bed. I felt someone next to me and I looked over and saw Jasper. I smiled and jumped on him. "Hi Jazz." "Hey Darlin. How was shopping?" I groaned.

He laughed. I scowled at him. "How long have I been asleep?" "For about an hour." "Ok. Carry me down stairs." He sighed. "Hey I'm not heavy. So shush mister." He smiled and picked me up and ran down stairs. He sat me on the couch and sat on my left while Edward was on my right. "Sweetie are you hungry?" Esme asked. "No thank you." She nodded and sat on Carlisles lap.

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