Chapter 7

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After my speech the cops came in and took him away again. I don't know how he keeps escaping with maximum security. Once he leaves I sit on the couch I had my head in my hands. I was shaking. I didn't know why I wasn't scared. I didn't know how to feel. "Bella?" I heard Carlisle say. I looked at him. His cracks healed. "Hmmm." I let my head fall back in my hands. "Are you ok?" I heard Ronnie say. I could feel every person's eyes on me. I shrugged my shoulders the slightest. I fell the couch dip next to me. I quickly look up and see Carlisle. I raised my hand quickly and hit the back of his head. "Ouch." He runs his head. "You are such an idiot." I say to him. I heard everyone laugh.

"I did it to protect you." Yes I know this but your still an idiot." I lay my head on his bare shoulder. He was cold. "Go put a shirt on." I rolls his eyes and leaves. I second later he is back. I blow hair out of my face. He smiles innocently at me. I scowl at him but non the less I climb on his lap and rest my head against his chest. My arms were wrapped around his neck. "Bella?" I hear Jasper say. "Hmmm." "Why don't you fell anything." I lazily closed my eyes. "Because I don't know what to feel. Tell me what I feel cause honestly I have no idea." I open my eyes and turn my head to him across the room with Alice on his lap.

"Well all I pick up is confusion and tiredness." I hummed in response. "Sorry I keep stealing dad from you mom." I don't open my eyes I stuff my face further in his chest while he plays with my oddly non messy hair. "Its fine sweetie you need him more than I do right now. How about tomorrow Carlisle can take off and you both spend some father daughter time together while I watch the kids?" "That would be nice thanks Mom." "Its fine sweetie you need a break anyway. Now go to sleep." "You don't have to tell me twice." They all laughed and I curled up in Carlisle's chest someone puts a blanket on me and in less than a minute I am out.

Carlisle's P.O.V
Bella's grip around my neck loosens and soon falls on her lap. I look up from my daughters face. "Today has been a rollercoaster." Emmett says quietly. I smile. "Yes it has Emmett." I feel tired mentally. "How do you think I feel Carlisle?" Edward's says as he comes out. "Ten times worse than me I bet." "Yea since I watched my mate get raped twice now." His eyes were black. "Edward go hunt with Emmett, Jasper, and Ronnie we can watch over Bella just be home before school starts." He nodded and they all left. I lay my head back and sigh.

"Are you alright Carlisle?" Rose asks me. "Yea it's just I keep thinking how Charlie keeps escaping prison." Esme smiles and comes up to me. "Why don't you lay back and relax tonight it has been a stressful for all if us but especially you." I nod my head and she kisses my cheek. I lay my head back and close my eyes and clear my head of everything. This is the closest thing we can get to, to sleep.

Bella's P.O.V

I wake up and feel cold. I am curled into a warm body but it is slightly cold. I was still tired so I moved and put my face in a chest gripping a cotton shirt. "Are you ok Babygirl?" I hear Carlisle's voice. I nod my head slightly "Mhm just tired." "Well you only been asleep for 2 hours and you were awake most of the night." "I am going back to sleep then." My back was hurting from this position but I didn't tell him that. "Why don't I carry you to my bedroom and you can lay down it will be more comfy." I nod my head and open my eyes. I see everyone but the boys. "Where are the boys?" I ask. "Hunting." Rose says. I nod my head and wrap my hands around Carlisle's neck.

He lifts me up and in a second I was in his room on his bed. "Hold on a minute." I say. Carlisle looks at me and smiles. I get up and wobble a little but catch myslef. I slowly walk to his closet and pick a random shirt he owns and take out one of Esmes cotton shorts. I close the closet door and change quickly I come out and lay down. I hear Carlisle laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked. "That is my favorite shirt. Again. You took my last favorite shirt now this one?" "Well its comfy so deal with it. Now lay down I am tired." He chuckles and lays down under the covers. I get under them and I crawl over to him and plop down on his chest. "Oof." He said. "Shut up." I curl in his side with my bottom half next to him and my top half on him with my hands under my head. I close my eyes and fall asleep. "Night babygirl." I then pass out.

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