Chapter 43

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"And what is your decision my Darling?" My mother said. "First I want to say something." "Go ahead." Zeus says,

"I may have lost a shit load of people I love today. Liam, Nessie. My kids, my kids died right in front of me. Then you have Jasper, one of my mates. Edward my one true love. Carlisle my father my everything. He was the first man I have ever loved. I lost 3 amazingly good friends and family, Seth, Jacob, and Leah. They died. So I can go back in time and be the 6 year old that loved my parents more then anything. But I stay here, I have my remaining 2 kids the rest of my family. If I go back then I'd loose everyone I've ever loved and cared about. I can't do that to my kids. I watched some of the most amazing people die because of me and it's all my fault. So no matter how much I want you to be alive mom, or how much I want to have the old Charlie back, no matter how shitty my life has been, I'll always choose these people standing before me before anything. I can't leave them after I was the one who is the reason why they all died. So I choose, to stay here and become the Goddess whatever for my kids. I'm a single mother now and it's my responsibility to keep them safe from my life."

My mother was crying as her hand went to her stomach. "Ok then." Zeus said with a smile. Next thing I know I was struck by one hell of a powerful lightning bolt. I gasp as I fall to my knees as the lightning electrified every fiber and cell in my body. When it was over I bent over as my hair fell in my eyes. I felt hands in me so I looked and saw Logan and Anna. I stood up as I looked at Zeus and My mother. "You've chosen your decision. You have great power." He said, "Logan Anna let go of her for a minute." I heard my mother say. They let go and backed away her hand rose up and I fell to the ground as darkness overcame me.

I looked around as I saw myself in an empty room. It looked familiar, that's when I realized I was at my old house, Where my mother and Charlie lived. Then a figure came out of the darkness. I I recognized this as me but something felt different. I had purple eyes, my features were stronger and more pronounced. "Hey Babes." She said I smiled as I ran at her and hugged Izzy. "Oh my God!" "No Goddess." She said as she squeezed me tightly. "Where am I? How are you here?" I asked. "Well now that you became a Goddess/Angel it was my time to go." I shake my head as tears came to my eyes. "No I don't want you to leave me."

She shakes her head at me with a small smile. "It's ok. I am free now. Not that I don't mind it in your head but when I was I couldn't watch our children grownup and now I can. I'll come out when I absolutely need to. But you'll still feel me. You can talk and I can hear, just not respond, well depends on how strong we both are." I smile at her as she wipes some tears. "I am here to tell you that you lost all your powers you had. But gained new ones, better ones." She said. "What are they?" I asked her she smiled as she told me everything.

If be stronger then any other being in the planet. I'd be as beautiful as every Goddess, I had permanent purple eyes, delicate features, like I you touched me to hard I'd break. She told me everything I needed to know and frankly, I was so happy about some things she told me. My family would be able to live better loved now that Charlie isn't in the picture anymore. He wasn't much when he was alive but he was always in the shadows, always lingering, watching over me, my family, stalking us, and making gout lives a living hell. And I wouldn't expect any less, not that I would anyways.

"But I must go now. Tell everyone that I love them., "Of course." I say as I hug her tightly. "Go kick some ungrateful asses." I smiled as I closed my eyes and left again. When I opened my eyes I gasped as I looked around to see my family hovering over me making sure I am ok and such.

"Are you ok?" Emmett asked as he helped me up. "Better then ok." I went over to my dead family and friends that I lost. I threw my hands in the air as lightning stocked and then there was a bright light, next thing I knew my friends and family that died gasped, the bodies that were burnt were brand new looking, the ones that died of anything else were looking around as they lie on it. I gasped as I ran over to Edward, Nessie and Liam. I gave them all a hug then I hugged Alice. "Oh my god! It worked!" "What happened?" Stefan asked as Elena kissed him. "I brought you all back to life." I said as I looked around at then all.

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