Chapter 14

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I got dressed in a red long sleeve crop top with black leather pants and some black pumps. I checked the time and it was 11. I curled my hair tightly and let it fall to my waist. I then did my makeup. I put on black eyeshadow with some nude lipstick and some blush.

 I put on black eyeshadow with some nude lipstick and some blush

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I brushed my teeth. I then went down stairs with a poker face. I then went to the kitchen and got an apple. I walked to the Living room and everyone looked at me. My eyes were still purple. They haven't changed and they won't not till I get Vivienne, Logan and Liam back. "Love?" Edward asked scared. I growled at him.

After a minute I said. "Sorry I am just mad." "I know." Edward said. I sat on his back and laid back closing my eyes. At 11:45 we all got up and we went to the backyard. We told the wolves that the Volturi can't know we know wolves or else we all die.

15 minutes later I heard fast footsteps. To fast to be human. A few seconds later I saw them all arriving in black hoods. It was all the leaders and Felix, Demetri, Jane, Alec, Didyme, Heidi, Afton, Santiago, Corin, Reneta, and Chelsea. It was the whole guard. Alec was holding Logan. Felix was holding back Vivienne along with Demetri and Jane was holding back Liam.

I made fire come on my hands. The whole Volturi looked at my hands. "Let. Them. go. Now." I said. "Mommy! Momma!!" I heard them yell. "Ronnie!" Vivienne say. Aro looked at my hands again. Then at my chest. "Eyes up here Hong Kong." I said.

Aro smirked and looked at me. Edward growled. "Edward is a lucky man to have you. Bella." "It's Isabella to Son Of Bitches like you and your whole 'Guard'." He growled and I growled right back. "Give me my family back." I said. Aro shrugged. I changed the fire to water. They moved forward or at least the ones with my family. The men with m boys they both slapped them. Liam and Logan screams and fall to the ground.

Felix broke Vivienne's arm and she screamed. "STOP IIIITTTT!!!!" I screamed and I shot water out of my hands and they flew back along with Jane and Alec. Liam Logan and Vivienne ran to us and they stood behind me. Vivienne ran to Ronnie. He sat the bone correctly in her arm,

I then healed her and my boys. The vampires got up and glared at me. I put my physical shield up around everyone. "You don't know what is coming to you Aro. You will suffer for taking my kids and my best friend. You have no idea what you have done." I said in a threatening low voice.

I started to walk slowly towards him. Babe let me out! I wanna kill him! Izzy said. Edward grabbed a hold of my arm. "Don't I don't want to hurt you Edward." He let go. I was 10 feet from him. "You don't want to know what Izzy is thinking about doing in her mind. Your lucky I'm not letting her out or you would be begging for mercy." I said with a low chuckle.

I heard him gulp, I then looked at the vampires that were holding them hostage. "If I find anything on their bodies I will torture every singe person that did that to them. I will when it is the right time. Esme bring the boys inside." I added. Once they left I used Jane's power on every single one of them but I made it 10 times more painful.

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