Chapter 13

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I woke up sometime the next day. The boys were still asleep. I carefully got out of bed and went to my closet. I chose a long sleeve light brown tight fitted crop top with some black high waisted skinny jeans and black pumps. I straightened my hair and did some makeup. I walked out of the bathroom and I put down my spell and went downstairs.

Everybody was in the living room. I sat on Edward's lap. The news was on. In Seattle there were a bunch of deaths and disappearing's. "It's Victoria she is creating an army of new born Vampires." I said everyone looked at me. "What she is. Disappearing's, deaths the deaths are them sucking the life out of them. The disappearing's are the ones who made it through the change."

"She's smart." Emmett said. I rolled my eyes. I got up and went tot he kitchen and made some food for me and the kids. I ate mine and left theirs's in the pot I then did the dishes. I sat back down in the living room. "There is food for the kids on the stove," I told everyone.

"So, graduation is in a week and a half. isn't that exciting?" Alice said. I nod. I get up. "I'm going for a walk." "By my self." I add. I walk out and go in the woods. I hum to the song that Edward made for me years ago. I make it to mine and Edward's meadow. I sit down in the middle of it and sigh.

I then lay down and close my eyes. I feel an unknown presence behind me. I quickly open my eyes and I use my powers and I fly up and then I land on the ground I have my hands in front of me. I look and see a tall tanned boy with short black hair. I smell wolf.

"What do you want mutt?" "How do you know what I am?" He asked. "I'm a witch. Idiot. Now what do you want?" "I need to speak to Carlisle Cullen do you know who they are?" "Of course I do. He is my adopted father." "What's your name?" He asks.

"Isabella McCarthy." "Ok Isabella. Can you take me to them?" "If you want your funeral." "I'm not going alone." Then 6 other wolves run out of the woods." I put my hands up. "Stay the hell away from me I will only take you if you all are in human form." I said.

"We can't we don't trust you." "What the hell is your name wolf boy?" "Jacob Black." "Ok Jacob. I want more then one of you to be in human form." The big black wolf barks loudly. I put my hands up and point them towards him. He growls at me. I shoot powers at him. "Down pup."

I said. Jacob 'coughs' he growls again. "I will shoot you and this time I won't miss. Now make you little puppy pack change back now." 3 dogs run in the forest and a second later they come out. "Names?" "Paul, Jared, Quill." "Isabella only family and friends call me Bella. Who's the big black puppy?"

"Sam our leader." Paul said. "Hmm." "What are you? You smell different but you reak of vampires." "That's cause I live with them idiot." "Blood suckers can't have children." Paul said. I sped over to him and pushed up against a tree. The others ran to me but I put a shield up they can still hear everything I say.

"Don't you ever call them 'blood suckers' again or I will hurt you." "I doubt that." "I pushed you against this tree hard enough didn't I?" "I'm not using my full strength." "Then use it." He does and he gets off the tree easily but I push him down harder.

"How's that feel?" I twist his arm a little. "OK, ok, ok we won't call them blood suckers again I swear." I let go of him and I put down the shield they all run in and Sam stops in front of me. "Do you want me to take you to Carlisle?" He nods his fat head.

"Then follow me if you can." I start running out. I hear the wolfs shift and I run faster. My long brown hair fly's by my face. Soon I switch to flying a foot above the ground. I look behind me and see them all stunned. I snicker and fly again.

I hear there heavy feet thumping behind me. I get out my phone. I then call Edward.

Bella? Bella, are you ok Alice said your future disappeared.

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