Chapter 27

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I wake up in my room alone. I sit up and look around then Carlisle runs in and sits next to me. I look at the time and see it is 2 in the morning. "Hey Babygirl, why are you up so early?" He says grabbing my hand. "I had a bad dream." I say. "Where's-" "They went out hunting about 20 minutes ago, they'll be gone till tomorrow at noon. And the boys are spending a few days with the pack."

I nod and get up. I look down. "Who changed me into a crop top and shorts?" "Alice." He says. I nod. "You should go back to sleep." "I can't." I say rolling my eyes. I walk by my him and head to the bathroom. As I am peeing I look down and see blood. "Dammit!" I say. "Bella what is it?" "I started my period and there are no fucking tampons or pads!" "We can go to the store, do you want me to bring in some clothes and some underwear?"

"Please." I say. In a few minutes he comes in with some folded clothes. He sets them down and I see a chocolate bar on top. I laugh and he kisses my forehead and leaves. I change into underwear and use some toilet paper then I change into the pink sweatpants and a black sweater crop top on. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk out. I look in the mirror and see Carlisle sitting on my bed. "Definitely not an Alice approved outfit." I say with a mouth full of chocolate.

Carlisle chuckles. "Ok lets go." He says I nod and we walk down stairs and we get in his car. He hands me my phone. "Oh thanks I forgot it." "Yea I know." He says starting the car he then drives away from the house. "So what will be open in 2 in the morning?" He shrugs as he drives into town. We look around and I spot a Walgreens open. "There." I say and point to the station. He turns and drives in the driveway.

We then get out and he locks the door, we then walk in and I head to the women's section. "So uh, I'm gonna go buy something else." He says scratching the back of his neck. I laugh. "Your a doctor and you are weirded out by looking at pads and tampons, I thought that didn't bother you?" I say laughing. "Well I am usually good with it but your my daughter and doing this is just, ugh. It's weird and awkward."

I start laugh hysterically. "Ok.... go... then." He walks fast and turns a coroner. I laugh and look at everything again and after a few minutes I find some pads and tampons. I buy a few boxes so this won't happen anytime soon. Being half witch and vampire sucks, I didn't know I would still have a period, that must means if I was with a human I would still be able to have kids.

I walk around looking for Carlisle and I see him near the front door. I walk over to him. "Hey I didn't bring money." I say. He hands me his wallet and smiles. I take it then walk over to the cashier. She checks everything out. "Did ya forget to buy some after you ran out, so this is an emergency trip?" She says smiling. "Yea, it is just me and my father the rest of my family left for personal reasons and will be back soon, he didn't know what I get so..."

"Wow, that's awkward." I nod laughing. "Yea and my father is a doctor and he is weird about doing this with his daughter." She laughs. "Yea it's kinda a mom thing." I giggle nodded. "Right." She chuckles. "Its pretty amusing too." "Yea it would be amusing." I laugh nodding. "How much?" "20 dollars sweetie." I smile and the nice old lady and get out a 20 dollar bill and I get out another 10 and put it the tips jar.

"Have a nice night." I say, "You too sweetie." I walk over to Carlisle and hand his wallet back. We walk to his car and he unlocks it then we get in. He then drives home and I head to my bedroom putting in a tampon and a pad just in case. I head back downstairs and sit on the couch putting on a Disney movie. Carlisle comes down the stairs in sweatpants.

He sits next to me and hands me a bag I take it from him and look In it. In it I see 5 chocolate bars, and 5 boxes of candy. I smile, "There is some chocolate ice cream and stuff to make your favorite ice cream desert." He says I smile at him "Will you make me it pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee???" He sighs and I smile as he runs out.

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