Chapter 34

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I was in a gown, hospital gown. Carlisle in front of me with Esme, Jasper, and Edward were next to me on both sides holding my hands as the others waited for the girls to be here. "OK, Bella baby are you ready?" Carlisle asks, "I will never be ready!!" I yelled at him, he just chuckled shaking his head. "Ok, on my count," He says, "Bella sweetie deep breaths." Esme said next to Carlisle, I took deep breathes, "Now!" He said,

I yelled as I pushed for the first time in a year and a half. I then stopped, sweat poured down my face, Edward put his hand on my forehead wiping it away, Jasper had one hand behind my neck. Cooling that down, "Again." I screamed as I pushed again, now doubt everyone down stairs hearing everything. I stopped and took fast deep breaths.

Carlisle looked down at me, "Something is wrong. I thing the cord is wrapped around their necks." Carlisle said. "WHAT??!!!!" I screamed I was freaking out, tears started to come down my face. "Bella, Darlin calm down." Jasper said frantically. "CARLISLE DO SOMETHING!! I CAN'T LOOSE THEM!!!" I screamed at him. "Bella you need to push as hard as you can." I did that not wasting any time, I felt myself tear as I felt 2 heads pop out.

I screamed as loud as I have ever scream before, which was saying something. "Ok, good." He said then I saw them, Esme quickly helped unwrap the cord from their throats, their lips turned blue. And soon I saw him cutting the cord and untangling them. I saw them taking fast quick breaths, but they weren't crying, then Carlisle poked then in the stomach and they started to cry, he smiled and passed them to me and they immediately stopped.

I smiled down on them with tears in my eyes. "Hi Annabelle," I said to the one in my left arm, I looked at the one in my right arm, "and Hi Renesmeé." I say to her. I smile and look at Edward. "Can I hold them?" He asks in nod and he picks them both up. I felt Carlisle stitching me up. Then he put my legs down and the rest of the pack came in.

I look at Seth and Jacob they both come over, Jacob was staring at Renesmeé and Seth at Annabelle. They both fell to their knees with a billion dollar smile. I giggle as the pack laughs, "Well 2 more wolves imprinted, whos next?" Paul says I laugh, They take them from Edward and pass around the girls.

"W-where's my boy- boy's?" I ask tiredly looking around, "Asleep, as should you Darlin." Jasper says, I opened my mouth to say something but then I fell into a pool of darkness. The next time I wake up I felt refreshed, memories came back and I opened my eyes, I see Edward there, he looked at me and smiled. "You've been asleep for 2 days Love."

"Well Edward, pushing 2 baby human sized girls out of your vagina is tiring." I say he chuckled and I heard a loud laugh and scoff from down stairs, "Shut it Emmy-Bear." Is say, I get up and notice I was in a black tight dress that went mid thigh I also had heels on and my hair was curled. I grabbed Edward's hand and we started downstairs.

I was greeted by my family they all hugged me then the pack. In the corner I saw Esme and Carlisle holding Annabelle and Renesmeé. I walk over smiling, they look at me and give my girls to me. They looked older then when they were born. They looked like 2 month olds. I frowned, "Their growing fast." Edward next to me smiling sadly. "Yea but we can make the most of it." I nod. I kiss each one on the cheek. I feed them and then I play with them. "Darlin, me and Edward are gonna go hunt, you in?" Jasper aks, I smile a little and nod.

Then we 3 run out, we find a mountain lion, elk, and another mountain lion. We all drink from them, once we are done we start heading back. I look down at my dress, not a drop on it. I smile accomplished. I grab both of their hands and we run in the house then we head to the living room, me not letting go of both of them. Logan and Liam run up to me. I smile and finally let go hugging them tightly.

Seth and Jacob were holding the twin girls. "Bella Renesmeé wants to see you." Jacob says he hands me my daughter and I kiss her forehead. "Hi baby." Her hand rises to my cheek then I see an image in my head I gasp, it said Hello mommy. I missed you then you saw her coming out of me, Carlisle's worried face cutting the umbilical cord then once she was breathing he handed her to me, I looked pale, sweaty and nasty.

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