Chapter 41

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The weeks slowly pass by and now, we all are heading to the destination of the fight that will take place. It was in the same place as the fight 4 years ago, that was with the Volturi. Everyone is at our old house. We had just arrived. Back to Forks, in the car I had seen one of my soft of friends. Angela Webber, she had a little boy on her hip with Erick. I guess they worked out after all.

I walked into my old room and looked around. A tear fell as I looked around. Then I walked into Logan and Liam's room that now had 2 king sized beds. I asked if they wanted their own rooms but they declined. I went into Anna's and Nessie's room. They both had 2 king sized beds and we asked once again if they want to have their own rooms but they declined. Once I was done in their rooms I went to Edward's old room.

He never used it but he still had it. I walked back out of his room and went to Carlisle's office. So many things happened in this office. I gave birth to the 2 boys, then to the girls, this is where it all started with mine and Carlisle's father/daughter relationship. This is where I can go be checked on. This is where I had so many conversations with Carlisle about my life, Charlie, everything. I start walking down the stairs with a sigh when I hear yelling from outside.

I run out there to see Alice in a vision, and crying. I run over to her as my family father's around along with the Mystic Falls gang. "Bella put a shield up!" Alice yelled as her eyes glazed even more. I put my mental and physical shield around her bringing me into the vision with her.

When I look around I see we are at the field. That's when I hear the footsteps. And suddenly everyone appears. I see Charlie in the front of a huge crowd of people. But when I look I see Charlie has blood red eyes. He was turned into a vampire. But I still heard a heartbeat from him.

That's when it hit me. Charlie was fully possessed by the devil. Then I saw other people. By there smell I could sort them out. Some smelled like burnt wood, which was Demon half breeds. The inches that smelled like Lilac were Angel and Demon half breeds. Then you had the human/vampire ones that had a heartbeat. And finally the Volturi. I looked around and saw all the others on my side. We gotten almost all of Carlisle's friends, of course the Denali's, Then you have the Mystic Falls gang.

We looked to be outnumbered but that's without the Wolves. The wolves come in making it a much fairer fight. "My friends." Aro says, "Enough Aro!" I yell. Everything else became a blur until I saw Charlie or The Devil. I ran after him and we fought, but I was distracted when I heard a scream, I looked and saw 2 heads of my close family, I couldn't see clearly but I saw it was either, Anna, Nessie, Esme, Vivienne, Alice, Logan, Liam, Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett, Ronnie, or Edward, fall to the ground, dead. It was so blurry that all I saw was their figure. I knew at least one of them was a girl and the other was a boy.

I screamed and I saw them fall to the ground. This made it easy for The Devil to punch me in the face making me fall, then it changed to another person from my side falling, but this time it was a wolf. Again, it was blurry so I couldn't define who it was. But my heart ached as I watched. That's when I came back to reality.

I found myself on the ground along with Alice and Edward. I guess my shield came up. "Did you see who!" All three of us said at the same time. "No." We all answered back. "See what? What was it?" Carlisle asked as our friends from Mystic Falls stood close to my kids, we became good friends in the last few weeks. "The ending to the fight in 2 days." I said quickly, looking around. The wolves were backed up watching us.

"It's alright we will win." Carlisle said, he came over and helped me as Vivienne came to Edward and Jasper went to Alice. Carlisle helped me up, Elina came over to me and hugged me gently. "Your alright?" I nod, with a small smile. She was a good friend. She would do anything to protect her friends and family. Then my kids came over to me. "Are you ok? We saw you crumble to the ground at the same time Alice and Daddy." Anna said. I smile a small smile it was the best one I could do seeing as I just saw at least 3 close family and friends die.

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