Chapter 33

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"Now time to watch the bride and groom dance!" I smile and Edward holds out his hand. I take his in mine and he guides me to the small patch of neatly cut grass with flowers around it.

Then he puts his hands around my waist as everyone gathers around, I see Jake and the pack standing a little away from Edward, standing behind them. Then I see the Denali's with Bree Tanner from the fight with Victoria her eyes were gold. I had forgotten I adopted her so Jane wouldn't use he powers on her. Then my family were behind me and the rest of the guests were some other places.

Then the song A Thousand Years by Christine Stewart came on.

Edward guided me along with him, I laid my head on his chest smiling and closing my eyes. After that Carlisle took his place and we danced to the song, Stepdad and Daughter Wedding Song.

I look him in the eyes smiling. "I love you my Babygirl." "I love you to Daddy." I say back. I lay my head on his chest as my left hand was in his and my right around his neck. I lowly hummed to the song, The guests clapped and then Jasper took Carlisle's place. I smile up at him, "You enjoying your big day?" He asks, I nod smiling, "Of course I am." He nods smiling. Halfway through the song I had my head on his chest.

"Can Major have the rest of the dance?" He asks, I pull away, "Of course he can." Then as I watched his eyes they turned pitch black and he mostly kept his posture calm. He smiles a little at me. "You Darlin, look beautiful." He says in his more pronounced southern accent. I smile widely, "Why thank you. I thought this dress
was the appropriate attire for this special occasion." I say sarcastically. He chuckles and lays his head on my shoulder. I lean my head on his smiling as we spun slowly to the song. Then it changed a few minutes later to an up bear song. Everyone then started dancing.

I went and sat down at a table and Bree came over smiling. She then hugs me tightly. "I am glad I got to see you finally. But I am going back to Alaska with the Denali's." "It's ok," I say smiling. She hugs me and walks away. Then Liam and Logan come over. "Mom can we dance with you?" Liam asks. I smile, "Sure sweetie." We go over and dance together. I see Alice and Jasper doing cool moves, she does a back flip, she had changed into a shorter dress for better dancing. I had my train of my dress connected to a band that was around my wrist so it wasn't behind me as much so I could dance and walk around more.

Then me and Edward dance with him holding Liam and I Logan. They were around 7 to 8 but I didn't care they were light to me since I have more strength then a regular human since I am half vampire half witch. Then they go and run of and Edward spins me around with his hands on my waist and my above me as he held me up. I smile and he puts me down but only to  lean my back and him lean forward as he held me so I didn't fall, and kisses me passionately.

Then he brings me back up so I am standing again. "Bella time to get ready for your Honeymoon!" Alice says clapping. I look at her smiling. "I have packed your stuff and Jasper packed Edward's time to get dressed." She says I ignore her as me and Edward kiss again while dancing. "Bella come on." She says I wave her off.

I hear her huff and I smile. I hear Carlisle and my family laughing. "Go away Alice." I say I then lean my head on his chest smiling. I looked at Alice and smirked. She huffs, "Bella come onnnn!!" She says stomping her foot down. I laugh, "You like like a 5 year old have a temper tantrum." She huffs and grabs my hand pulling me away, I frown and people laugh as I am being pulled into the house and in Alice's and Jasper's room.

"Alice why couldn't I pack my own clothes?" "Because it would have given away the location of your honeymoon." She says in her closet looking for a dress. She finds a dark purple short low cut dress with silver heels.

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