Chapter 9

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Once they leave I turn off the tv. "Carry me please?" Carlisle chuckles. He picks me up and runs to my room. He puts on my pj's in in seconds I am lying on the bed with my head on his cold bare chest. "Well that was fast." He laughs again. "Go to sleep Bells. Emmett will take my spot once I leave unless you prefer Alice. "No I have had everyone in bed with me besides him." After a minute I blush a deep red and I knew he felt it. "I don't mean THAT! I said quickly Carlisle bursts out laughing while I blush a deeper red he turns on the light and looks at me then starts laughing.

"I mean umm, uh, how do I make it sound not bad? I mean that all the boys have watched me sleep to keep the nightmares away besides him, hell even Ronnie has helped me with that." "Does that sound better?" "Way better than saying you have slept with everyone in the house." This sets him off again. "Please don't tell Emmett he will always pick on me for the rest on eternity please, please, please pleasseeeee, don't tell him I said that." I begged. "Ok, ok, ok, I won't." "Good cause if you do then I will hunt you down and tear your limbs from your body every time he would say that. And if you know Emmett it will be everyday." He nods and I lay my head back down and fall asleep.

I feel a light kiss on my cheek. "I will be back baby Emmett is here with you know." I hear Carlisles voice. I feel my head being moved then on a more muscular chest. "Ok, night daddy." I barely whisper. "Night Babygirl love you." "Love you too." The I fall back asleep.


I am seeing out of someone else's eyes. I was in a pitch black room. But I could see perfectly fine. I looked over and saw Edward. Our clothes had holes in them and we were a little weak we were lucky we fed before they took us. I am feeling loss I want my Alice, and I want my bestfriend Bella. "Jasper." I hear Edward mumble. "Hmm." "I want Bella." "Me too, I also want Alice. But don't give up on the family with Alice's visions we should be out here soon." I said. i heard the door open and i saw Alec, Jane, Aro and the other leaders. I was to out of it to listen but what caught my ears is that Bella, Carlisle, Emmett and my Alice are coming. I was so glad they were coming but I was also scared at what was gonna happen. I saw Jane start to torture Edward and I felt his pain so I started to scream. The pain wouldn't stop. Alice, Bella we need you please hurry I don't know how long we can last. Then everything changed.

I am seeing out of Edward's eyes because I see how bad Jasper looks. People come in it's Jane, Alec, Aro, and the other leaders. "Please let us go." I said. "Why we are having so much fun Edward and Jasper." Jane said. "Carlisle called says he is coming with Emmett, Alice and both of your Bella's. SO today is gonna be fun. I hope you don't miss us to much." Aro said. Then I felt Jane use her powers on me, Jasper started to scream to feeling my pain. Then mine stopped and Jasper screamed.

I felt the pain go through me again, and it didn't stop. Everything went black, I didn't know Vampires could pass out from pain. But I knew I wasn't fully out cause I still felt the searing pain. It was 10 times worse. I screamed that's all I could do. Bella hurry up I love you.

*end of dream*

I woke up and screamed loudly. I shot up in bed. "Bella, Bella calm down it was just a dream." I heard Emmett say. I was crying and sobbing. He pulled me into a gentle hug. Alice came in. "That wasn't a dream. I saw into the future but first from Jasper's prospective then it changed into Edward's and it was the future they are getting tortured as we speak." I said. I grabbed my phone. I called Carlisle.

Bella why are you calling at this hour?

No time to explain bag up some blood for Jazz and Edward they are gonna need it tomorrow I will explain when you get home and on the way to Volterra. Love you good night.

I hung up and threw my phone in anger, pain and sadness. It shattered to a million pieces. I pulled my knees to my chest and started to cry. Emmett pulled me on his lap. He was wearing a white tight fitting shirt that seemed like another skin, he was also in sweats. "I-I saw th-them torture Jazz and Edward." I said "How Bella?" Alice asked. I showed both of them what I saw Alice fell to the floor. Emmett had tears in his eyes, he pulled me tighter to his body and I cried. I looked at the time and saw it was 4. I wrapped my arms around Emmett's neck. "I am scared Emmy-bear." I mumbled. The tears wouldn't stop. "Me too, I want to say everything will be good but I don't know."

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