Chapter 22

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I saw It last minute but the scariest part wasn't the semi coming right at me but who was driving it. Charlie fucking Swan. "Charlie." I whispered I couldn't slow down my brake wasn't working and their were cars surrounding me on every side. I looked around quickly and saw I was on the end of the road but there was a deep huge ditch separating the other side of the road. I decided quickly then chose what I was gonna do. "God bless the ones I love, I love you all." "Bella no!" I heard Alice say but it was to late.

I already swerved and then when my bike hit the grass at such a high speed I flew forward and landed in the grass everything went black.

Edward's P.O.V.

She saw it last minute. I heard her whisper Charlie then she was saying goodbye. "Bella no!" Alice yelled but it was to late. She swerved into the grass and from how fast she was going she was thrown off then she landed in the deepest part of the ditch then the bike landed on her. I saw Emmett do the same thing since Charlie was now coming towards us. I swerved and also went in the ditch. The car rolled over and spun around.

In mid air I climbed in the back with Jasper. Ronnie, Vivienne and Alice was in the back. We all surrounded Vivienne so she wouldn't get hurt to bad. What felt like an eternity but was 3 minutes the car stopped rolling and spinning. I quickly climbed out and since humans were watching I had to look hurt. I went to Bella and so did Jasper.

We took the bike off and I held her. Sirens were heard from afar. Jasper got his phone out secretly and called Carlisle and told him everything. Vivienne passed out. But she will be a lot better than Bella. Alice said in her head. I nod slightly. "Carlisle will be here in 2 minutes and so will Esme and the boys. I nod and fall down next to Bella. "Edward me and Emmett are fine." Rose whispered. "Ok thanks. Vivienne will be good too."

The sirens were a lot closer and then they were right above us. I saw Carlisle and Esme with the boys. "Are you guys alright!?" A cop said in a microphone. "Yes but we have 2 hurt teenage girls!" Rose yells. I pick up Bella and Ronnie picks up Vivienne. We all stumble up the huge steep hill. When we get there Bella and Vivienne get on gurneys. Carlisle takes all of us aside and no one questions him. Jasper tells him what happened then we rush to the hospital.

We all wait in the waiting room for 3 hours before a doctor comes up. "Bella McCarthy-Cullen has a broken wrist, cuts and bruises on 80% of her body, a mild concussion and 3 fractured ribs. Vivienne Cullen has a sprained wrist, bruise ribs and a few cuts. They both will be able to go home tomorrow." We nod and all go to their room since they are family they share a room. I sit next to Bella and hold her hand. Jasper holds her other hand as she is still asleep. Alice and Rose hold each other and Emmett has his arms around the both of them. Then Esme and Carlisle were in front of Bella's bed and the twins were crying on their laps. Ronnie was

"Alice when will they wake up?" I asked. "Vivienne should wake up in 5 minutes but I dont know about Bella." She says. "Dammit." I say. "Edward calm down she will wake up sooner or later." Carlisle said in a soft voice. I sigh, "I know but I still worry." "I know you do and that is good it means you care." He said back. I nod.

I hear movement, so I look up and see Vivienne moving. I stand up and walk over to her. We all go over and she slowly opens her eyes. "Is everything ok? Is Bella ok?" She asks. "Yea Bella is ok you weren't as bad as her." I say, she looks at me and nods her head. Carlisle explains to her what her injuries are and then she falls back asleep.

After 2 hours, I am sitting next to Bella again holding her hand when a doctor comes in frantically. We all look at him. Carlisle stands up quickly. "Dr. Drake what is wrong?" Carlisle asks. "Bella has internal bleeding that is why she hasn't woken up yet. If she doesn't get surgery now she won't make it through the night. But this is a very dangerous surgery. Dr. Cullen."

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