Chapter 6

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Recap: I walked into the living room and found everyone. sitting down it was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. "What happened?" Everyone looked at me. I was the only one standing. "Charlie escaped prison again."


I dropped the bowl I had and it crashed to the floor with a loud bang. I was frozen, shocked, It cant be please let this be a joke, Please lord please. I said in my head. "Your joking right?" I said to Carlisle who said that awful sentence. "No." "b-But he was in heavy guarding. HOW THE HELL DID HE ESCAPE, AGAIN????!!!!!" "We don't know Bella." Rose said. I could feel my powers were about to explode. I ran outside and everyone followed me. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. My powers went haywire the earth shook, the wind picked up, fire was exploding out of my hands and water was everywhere, things were flying in the air with my telekinesis, I was vibrating to the point where I was blurry. My magic was everywhere.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I screamed, I couldn't control myself. I was in so much pain, anger, and frustration. But the worst emotion was the pain. "Edward don't, let her let out all of the emotions that she buried inside her." I was floating in the air. My powers wouldn't stop. I put up my physical shield around them so they don't get hurt. "She put up her physical shield in case if anything happens." Edward said.

Then a big piece of earth flew at the family but the dome around them made crash and then millions of tiny earth fell to the ground. Tears were streaming down my face. I then fell to the ground. everything stopped. "Why, why, why, why does this keep happening?!" I yelled the last part and I shot fire out of my hands to the trees. I did this for 10 minutes I finally calmed down after 2 hours. I fell to the ground sobbing and crying. I heard lots of feet run to me. I was on my knees bent over my arms around my head.

I felt several pair of arms around me but some stood out. Logan and Liam was on my lap. Edward was In front of me and Jasper was on my right side. "I'm sorry I couldn't control myself." I said still crying. "Hey it's ok. We get it Bella." Esme said. I nodded my head. I calmed out then I passed out from over using my powers.

I woke up on the living room couch. I looked around and didn't see anyone. It was dark outside. It is 2 in the morning. I turned on a light  and saw a note.

Hey Bella, the whole family has gone out hunting Vivenne is in her room sleeping and the boys are in your bed. We all love you we will be back 2 hours after you wake up.
Love Alice,♡♡

I laughed. I turned the light off and went to my room. I locked my door, my window and shut the curtains. I got in bed and fell back asleep. I woke up to a crashing noise. I looked at my kids. They both were sound asleep. It was 3. I slept for an hour. I used my magic and put a spell on them to put them in a deep sleep for an hour till the family gets home I then went our of my room and put a spell on the door so it looks like it is a wall. And I put a soundproof walls around the room. I did the same to Vivienne. I didn't want them to get hurt.

I grabbed a bat and walked down the stairs silently. I went in the living room and saw the front door broke and a window someone was in here. I quickly went invisible and put up a shield so I am not heard. I grabbed my phone. I called Alice.

I know Bella someone is in the house. We will be there soon, all of us.

"Ok thank you Alice"

Your welcome stay calm and I am passing the phone to Carlisle so he can talk to you and keep you calm. Your using your powers right?

"Yes." I heard shuffling on the phone.

Hello Bella. Carlisle said.


Look around to see who is in there make sure you keep your physical shield up so if it is vampire then they dont smell you. Are the twins and Vivienne ok?

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