Chapter 12

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I woke up in my bed with Edward next to me. I smiled at him he kissed my head. "I will leave so you can go and shower." I nod and he leaves. I get in the shower and take a quick shower. I get out and change into a tight crop top that was off the shoulders and had some blue designs on it with some matching shorts. I let my hair down and I put on some sandals and I pit my sunglasses on top of my head and I headed down stairs. Once I get there I went to the kitchen and Esme have me a big plate of food.

I sat next to Liam and started to eat. Once I was done I did all the dishes an walked in the living room I plopped down on Edwards lap. "Ouf." He said. "Shut up." I grumbled. I sipped my coffee. "Someone is grumpy." Emmett said. I growled at him. He shut right up and I sipped my coffee again. "Why is the witch unhappy?" Carlisle said. "Fucking period." I mumble. Carlisle's eyes widen. "God bless you and us." He said. I gave him the 'shut up or I am gonna hurt you' look.

He sat down. "I want chocolate and a movie." I said. Jasper and Emmett shut right up and left. After a few minutes later. They both were back. Emmett had a chocolate bar and I stole it from him. Everyone got up and Edward carried me to the living room. He sat down with me on his lap. Everyone was there so we started the movie. After an hour my back starts to hurt badly. I see Jasper wince. He looked at me.

Everyone looks at him them me then back at him. Jasper winces again and I feel a sharp pain in my lower back and stomach. I wince with him. "Bella what's wrong?" Rose said. "My back and stomach." I said. Carlisle came to me and picked me up and took me to his bedroom where his doctors bag was. I sat int he bed. "I have some medicine that will help with the back pain and the cramps." I nod and he gives me some pills and a glass of water. I took the pills and once I was done I smiled. "Thanks."

We went back down stairs and the boys sat on my lap. I smiled at them and we continued to watch the movie.

*A week later*

Well all of us had to go home and I was sad so was everyone else. Break was over and all the teens had to go back to school in a few days. I am at home unpacking my clothes and such. My boys looked to be 1 and a half years old know and I was sad. They had to go to school in a few years. Carlisle said that they will both be fine to go to school next year and Esme want's me to have more kids she can take care of.

Once I am done I go down stairs. The boys were sleeping in their rooms same with Vivienne. I sit on Edwards' lap. "OK what was the real reason we went on vacation?" I said. Everyone looked at me shocked. I shrug. "I am a witch I know things." "Victoria the mate to James who attacked you a few months ago, she is back and wants to kill you since Jasper and Edward killed her mate, she wants to kill their mate to." Rose said. I look at her wide eyed same with everyone else.

"What it's her she wants she needs to know." Rose said shrugging. I point at her. "Rose is right. You guys have to stop lying to me and not telling me stuff like this." I said standing up fast. "We were trying to protect you Bella." Esme said. "Yea well guess what guys. I am a witch I can handle myself. I am tired of you guys keeping secrets from me. I am a grown woman, an adult, with twin boys, those boys are my life." I said walking to the front of the room.

"We were trying to protect you love." Edward said. "How is lying and not telling me what the hell is going on. This isn't helping me or protecting me. So I will be damn sure that I will know next time." "Isabella language." Esme said. "Don't! Tell me what to do right know Esme. I can swear whenever the hell I want to. Your not my mom. My mom is dead because my damn father killed her. I'm also 18 so I don't have to listen to any of you people." I had tears in my eyes.

"Bella we didn't mean to upset you we just didn't want you to worry." Emmett said. "I am not worried I'm pissed. Don't do this again. Ever. I want to know the next time she is here or so help me god." I said looking at all of them. "Logan and Liam are my babies, my responsibility, my business, my boys, I'm their mother, I protect them, I have to watch over them to make sure they are safe. And I can't do that if you don't tell me what the hell is going on out there. You got that?" I yelled They all nod.

I could feel my purple eyes telling all of them that I was pissed and not to piss me off more. "Don't come in my room tonight, don't worry about me, go out there and find Victoria and kill her, don't underestimate me ever again." I storm out of the living room and I pick up both of my boys and I go in my room.

I put them in my bed and I do a spell that lets no one in besides me. They all could still hear me and I was sure they were listening. "Well that did not go as plan." I heard Emmett say. "Idiot." I said under my breath. "HEY!!" I hear him yell. "It's the truth." I said back. I change into some night clothes and I sit on my couch. "Bella, love I am sorry we didn't tell you the truth." I heard Edward say on the other side of my room.

"Hm. And I am not sorry for how I reacted. I'm an adult and have I have kids you all have to know that being a mother at this age and living with vampires my children are in serious danger at all times. I didn't over react if you do some research you would know that a mother no matter the age always over reacts when it comes to their children being in danger and not knowing it. You all have to realize that both of them are my world. I would do anything to make them happy."

"What about me and Edward?" Jasper said. I sigh. "I have 2 most important people in my life Jazz. Can you both guess who those people are?" I heard sniffling on the other end. "Logan and Liam." They said together. "No. the first are Logan and Liam and the second are both of you." "I don't get it." I sigh. "The most important people to me are Logan and Liam. Those are my number one people then it is both of you. You both aren't far behind them." "So Liam and Logan are the most important to you, you couldn't choose then you cant choose between me and Edward."

"Exactly you both are the same, but as a mother the most important people are your kids or kid. Good night." I get up and I lay in bed between Liam and Logan. I then fall asleep.

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