Chapter 42

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When I wake up it was to moving in the bed. I opened my eyes and saw my kids up. "Sorry that we barged in the room last night." "No it's alright hunny." I say to Liam. "What time is it?" "Time to get up and ya know get ready...." "Ok." I say sitting up and stretching, they all kiss me on the head and leave the room. That's when I notice that Edward wasn't in the room. I looked around and then he was in front of me in a second.

"Why did you leave?" I ask, "I'm sorry Love." He says to me, I shake my head, "Edward this may be the last day I have with you, please don't leave me." "I will NEVER leave you." I nod and get up. "Your taking a shower with me, a quick shower." He smiles and kisses me. He runs to the closet and in a second he is back in front of me with some clothes. I smile as we head into the bathroom. I turn on the water and hop in once it is warm.

We take our time, enjoying the last time together possibly, as a couple before a devastating day. When we got out I saw the clothes he picked out. "Izzie approved?" He questions, "Izzie approved." I turned to him with a smirk.

"Hello Izzie." He said coming over and kissing me. "I wanted to spend the time I have left with you because after this, I don't know how strong I will be. It may be centuries before you see me again." He nods and kisses me again. "So that was you when you woke up, you when you said me to not leave you." I nod, "I want to spend time with my kids, my mate and Jasper." He hugs me tightly. "I love you Izzie." "I love you too." I say back.

I put on a black sweetheart neckline crop top with some gold gems on it with some black leather pants and a black leather jacket. "I picked out a great outfit." I smirk and look at him in the mirror. "Yes you do." I brushed and blow dried my hair then out it in a messy bun then put on some mascara and and smoky eyeshadow.

I walked out of the bathroom and put on some black heels with gold gems on it. I put on some matching bracelets and walked out with Edward.

I headed down to the kitchen and saw my kids along with Elina, Stefan, Tyler, Damon and Caroline

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I headed down to the kitchen and saw my kids along with Elina, Stefan, Tyler, Damon and Caroline. I don't say anything to then as I get into the fridge and pull out my thing of blood, that they store in here for me Incase I loose control. "Hi mom." I hear Nessie say, I turn around with a smile. They all look at me. "Izzy mommy?" Anna asked, "It's me kids." They all jump up and hug me tightly. "We missed you mom." Lian said, "I missed you guys too." I kiss each of their cheeks and drank my blood then ate some real food.

"So it's starts at 10. We should be there by 9. We have 5 minutes." I say to them once we finish our food. "Mom let us just..." Anna trails of, I looks at them with a small smile. "Ok." We all talk until we have to leave so we all run to the field. When we get there I see it has green grass, the last time I was here was when it was snowing and cold. It was a nice ideal day out. It was a little cloudy but no chance of rain. We all went over the protocol. We all will stand in a line until it is about 15 meters from the woods then we start a new line.

Me and my family was up front and by my family I mean Edward and our kids, behind us was Carlisle and the rest of the Cullen's and Hales, the Mystic Falls gang behind them were all of Carlisle's friends. The wolves will be surrounding us except Jake, Seth and Leah they will be next to me and my kids. 15 minutes till 10 we all have hugs and said our goodbyes and such. "Mom your not sending us away again are you?" Logan asked, "No baby but I wish I could." I hug them all then I go to Carlisle, he hugs me tightly. Then I hug everyone else. When I get to Jasper he looks at me, "It's ok Darlin." He kisses my cheek then I move on to everyone else.

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