Chapter 35

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I was holding my breath now all the vampires were. Ronnie was standing next to us now. Vivienne sat up quickly and looked around. Her brunette hair was silky and thick, went to her mid back. Her eyes were pure red. Her moves were cautious, calculated. Her eyes spotted me and Ronnie up front of our friends.

We took a slow step forward. "Vivienne? It's Ronnie and Bella. Remember?" I ask, she nods slowly. "What are the other smells?" She asks, her eyes widen at her voice. "Remember my kids? Aro? Those are the other vampires on our side to witness." We take another step forward. Her eyes snap to us again. We stop immediately.

"My throat. It hurts." She says. "I know that is because you are thirsty. Ronnie is gonna take you hunting. Ok?" I ask. She nods and gets up. She looked different but still like herself. Her body had filled out more, she was maybe an inch taller, and as before her hair was dark and long and silky. "Ok." They jump out the window then they leave. I relax.

We head back down stairs some vampires were missing, most likely hunting. I sat down, Edward and Emmett introduced Benjamin to the play station, they played some games laughing. And finally after 3 hours Vivienne and Ronnie walked in. I walk over, "How did it go?" I ask, "It was amazing." She says smiling. She hugs me tightly. "Ok so your a lot stronger then me right now, try not to break me. And also I am not fully vampire so I can't breath."

She lets go quickly, "Sorry." I shake my head smiling. "I am just glad you are back." Eleazar comes over with Carman, "I can feel your power." He says, "What is it?" she asks excited. "You have the power to control fire and ice and you have super self control like my old friend Carlisle." My eyes widen hers does to.

"Damn." She says I smile we head outside and help her keep control of them. Benjamin was the best help since her learned how to control his own. Then a car arrives. Me and Edward walk over and I see Logan, Liam, Renesmeé and Annabelle. They all run out and run to me and Edward. We hug them tightly.

"Oh my god!" I hug them as tight as I could without breaking them. We introduce them to the new vampires, they were reasonable and understanding. 2 weeks passed and it was time for me to meet with the guy Alice told me about. Jasper has known him for years now. His name was J. Jenks. Now was the time to visit him since we only had 2 weeks till they came. All the vampires went out to hunt that hunted humans at least.

I walk up to my room and take a shower, once I got out I dressed in a long sleeved black bodycon dress with a navy cardigan over it and black heels. I brush my hair and curl it slightly. Then I do my makeup in a natural look. I grab my clutch and put my things in it. Then I walk down stairs.

I run into Rose

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I run into Rose. "Where are you going all dressed up?" She asks smirking. "No where just out." I say, "Hmm. Your lucky Edward went hunting 15 minutes ago, go while you can. I'll cover for you." She says, I sigh in relief. "Thank you Rose." She smiles and hugs me then I get in my car and drive away towards the address in Seattle Alice wrote on the note. I had memorized it.

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