Chapter 44

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Sorry for the short notice, I though I would have 2 more chapters but guys and girls, this is the end of Baby Bella Book 2. I'm literally crying. I love you all XOXO.


3 months later we all are 6 months pregnant. Rose is absolutely loving it, she talks about her kids name and what she imagines them becoming. Emmett is happy for her, they both want a girl. Alice and Jasper, well Alice is, being 6 months pregnant and human for a short while is still jumping around with excitement. I think she started nesting sooner then everyone else Alice wants a girl while Jasper wants a boy. Vivienne can't believe it still, Ronnie is there for her every step of the way. She is happy but absolutely terrified and I can't blame her. She wants a boy and so does Ronnie. Esme on the other hand is emotional and loving towards her child. She wants a boy while Carlisle wants a girl.

Me, now I don't know what I want yet. Edward doesn't care and I don't either as long as the baby is healthy. I am also pretty sure that they all have read at least 100 books on how to be the perfect parent. They all are terrified and I am to but not as bad as they are, it's actually funny sometimes as they re-read a book even though it is engraved in their memories.

"Who wants to see what sex their child is first?" Carlisle asks, Rose raises her hand immediately, "Ok come with me. You to Emmett." They both go up and come back down with tears stained faces, "Alice?" Carlisle questions. She gets up from the couch with Jasper following as they head upstairs. They come down both crying, Vivienne is next. She goes up there with Ronnie, Alice and Edward. Come back down tear stained face. Then me, I go up with Edward and Jasper. I lay on the bed and pull my shirt up, he puts the gel on it which makes me flinch from the coldness.

Then he puts the joy stick on me. I could see the little baby. He moves it around, ok look here, guess what it is?" He points to a spot on the screen. "Love do you know what it is?" I look closer, once I see it tears come to my eyes, "It's a boy." "You are correct." He says with a smile. My hands fly to my mouth as I cry silently. Edward smiles as he kisses me softly. Jasper kisses my forehead. "Congratulations its a boy." Carlisle said. He wipes the stuff off and I get down. Esme come sup and me, Edward and Jasper leave. "I think we all should have fun with the baby reveal. I have an idea." Alice says with a huge smile. "Ok let's talk it over with Esme and Carlisle."

They come down a few minutes slater, Alice tell us the plan and they agree so she and Jasper go out and grab some confetti guns for all of us and blue or pink confetti. Then me and Edward head to our room as we stuff the blue connfetti in our guns we each had one. When we were done we went back into the living room. "Ok let's start with Esme and Carlisle!" Alice said clapping her hands, they both smile and aim the guns to the roof as there was a small pop then blue confetti was everywhere.

We all clapped, smiled and, in Alice's case, jumped up and down. "Me next!!" Rose yelled, she moved to the front of us with Emmett, they shot and they had a girl. We all cheered then Vivienne went up with Ronnie, they shot their guns and blue confetti shoots out of it, we all cheer as Alice for sup in front with Jasper.

They both shoot and there was one that was pink and the other blue. "2 colors?" Rose asks, my eyes widen, "TWINS! YOUR HAVING TWINS!!!!"  I shout at them they nod. I cheer and squeal as I run up to them and hug them both. "Yeah double the work. But we can handle it I know it!" She says all cherry and smiley I shake my head as Edward joins me up front, we shoot ours and blue confetti comes out making everyone cheer.

We all talk about our kids, trying to find good names for them. Soon Rose falls asleep, Alice not far behind her. "Ok, let's get the girls to sleep." Jasper said with a smile. Edward helps me up and we slowly make our way towards his room. I change into one of his shirts, slowly falling asleep.

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