Chapter 36

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My slow heart beat started to beat faster. I took a deep breath. Edward squeezed my hand. "Bella calm down Babygirl. We're gonna be alright." Carlisle says I look at him. I nod and mouth 'I love you' to him, 'I love you too' he mouths back. Then we see them arriving. Aro, Caius, and Marcus up front they had witnesses of their own.

I froze as I watched them stop suddenly. Then I heard the wolves come out of the woods. There were new members, some of them were small. Then Seth came to my side and Jacob to Edward's side. "My dearest friend Carlisle. How are you dearest friend? What a pleasure." "I could be better. But Aro the minute you decide to take my grandchildren away. We became enemies." Aro's face went into a scowl.

"Edward. My friend the offer stands if you ever want to come join us. I think this cloak would look amazing on you." "Thanks but I'd rather not." "Aro you can see that there is no law broken here. Don't make us fight." Carlisle said. "We see the girls Carlisle!" Caius says. "Edward I assume this has something to do with you as the girls cling to your mates side. Come my friend." He says to Edward I look at him, he kisses my cheek then walk away. I expand my shield around everyone along with the wolves.

Once I got to Sam I felt everyone's presence. Even the wolves I didn't have yet. I let Sam out of it and the ones that weren't in it before I couldn't feel them anymore. It must be connected because of their minds. I let Sam back in and I see Edward put his hand in Aro's. A few minutes later we all head Aro say, "I'd like to meet the girls." He said with a smile and fascination in his eyes. Edward looked back at me. "Only if you meet us half way." I say,

Aro starts moving keeping his arm around Edward so he can still read his mind. I grab the girls hand and took a few steps. I looked back at Emmett, then Carlisle. Carlisle moved and stood with the boys. "Mom!" "It's alright boys." I say. Emmett walks forward and then Seth and Jacob with us. We meet them halfway.

"Hello Renesmeé and Annabelle." He says. "Hello Aro." They both say. He holds out his hand but Renesmeé and Annabelle both touch his cheeks and they show him everything. He pulls back, turns around and looks at his army. "It is true. Bella is thier mother and Edward is their biological father. We all turn around and as Caius yells, "IMPOSSIBLE!!" We make it to our side and Carlisle kissed my cheek and stands back with Esme. The boys wrap their arms around my waist. "My dear Caius it is true. She has blood running in her veins, warmth in her cheeks. She is indeed Half human, half vampire."

They bring up Irina who told on us about Renesmeé and Annabelle. "Are these the children you saw?" Caius says, "I don't know." "Jane." He says "These children are bigger." "Then your allegations were wrong." "I'm sorry the Cullen's are innocent, I take full responsibility for my actions." Irina says. They light a torch, "Caius NO!!" Edward yells. I gasp and then 2 vampires rip her arms off then they rip her head off.

Kate and Tanya scream while running towards them. "IRINA!!" Vampires try and get them while I get Renesmeé and Liam on Jacob, then Annabelle and Logan on Seth. Kate brings Eleazer to the ground by shocking him. Emmett and Alister catch Tanya while Garret screams as Kate shocks him but he still holds on. "Blind them." Edward says.

They both stop struggling. "Kate Tanya this is what they want. Going after them now will only start a fight then we will all die." He says. We all moved up a few feet now. Edward walks towards us looking at Aro then he falls to his knees only 10 feet in front of me. I quickly step forward, I bring my shield back over him and he slowly gets up.

I look at Jane and she looks at me, then she tries everyone else but I block her, she looks back at me and I smirk. She tries coming towards me but Alec, her twin brother stops her. Edward comes over to me and grabs my hand. "It's working." He says I nod but don't stop. The wolves growl and Alec tries using his powers but Aro stops him.

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