Chapter 15

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Carlisle's P.O.V.

"Bella your not 5 your 18." I said to her. "No I'm five." She held up 4 fingers. "Darlin your holding up 4 fingers." "I don't know how to count." Rose was dry sobbing. "Ohh, who's babies are those?" She said. Esme was holding Liam and Logan. "There yours Love." Edward said.

Vivienne was crying into Ronnie's side. "I can't have baby I'm only 5." She said. "No, no your not Bells please remember Babygirl." "I'm not your Babygirl I'm daddy's Babygirl. He loves me." She said. "Daddy as in Charlie?" Emmett said. She nods. That's when I break down. I'm finally a broken man.

I fall to my knees dry sobbing. It hurt me more than most would know. Your 18 year old daughter thinking she is 5. And she says she loves her birth father who is the person who abused her for months. I wish I could cry just this once.

Esme gave Rose and Alice the kids and she helped me out. I couldn't take it anymore. "S-She loves Charlie more than me. I-I, I can't it hurt to much Esme." I slide down the wall. Everyone in the room could hear me and I didn't give a damn.

"This isn't the Bella we know we just need to giver her time." "I can't see her again and I can't listen to her tell us how awesome Charlie is."

Edward's P.O.V.

I have never seen Carlisle break down like that in my whole life. Alice was crying into Jasper. I looked at Bella. "Bella. Love you have to remember Liam and Logan. Your kids. Our kids ok." I gave her Liam and Logan. She held them like an adult mother would. "Do you remember yet?" "No I'm sorry I am being a bad girl."

"No, no, no. Your not it's not your fault Love." She nods and plays with Liam and Logan. I get pulled aside with the rest of my family. "What are we going to do?" Emmett says. princess. I look at Rose. "Princess?" I asked her. "Maybe a true love kiss would work. Edward she thinks she is five. But I know deep down that she loves you. Try and kiss her to see if that works."

Rose says I look around. Carlisle comes in with Esme. "That might work Edward try it." Carlisle says. I nod. Esme takes Liam and Logan. I go over to her bed and sit down. "Please work, please work, please work." I whisper. "Bella?" She looks at me and her face lights up.

I take a deep breath then I get up quickly and I put my lips on hers. She tries to pull away but I don't let her. I pull away a minute later. She was still for a minute I read her mind and I see all her memories coming back. "She is getting her memory back. I see it." They all smile.

Then she crashes her lips to mine. I smile into the kiss. I pull away and she looks at Carlisle and she runs to him. "I'm sorry I am so sorry. I was stuck in little me's mind. I was still there and I saw everything. I'm sorry for what I said daddy."

"It's ok." She goes around and hugs everyone. She comes to me with Liam and Logan. I smile and take Liam. "Momma." Logan says. "Its me." "Mommy." Liam says. I smile and we leave. "Sorry for storming away on the highway I forgot I wasn't wearing my helmet."

Bella's P.O.V

"It's fine your here now and you are fine." Emmett said. I nod. "So how late are we for school?" "The whole day." Alice said I nod. "What about my bike?" "We had to buy you a new one." Ronnie said. "Yay!" They roll my eyes. I get in Carlisle's car with Esme, Edward and my boys.

We drive off to our house. Once we get there I go inside. I sit on the couch upside down. Everyone comes in and looks at me weirdly. "You all are staring." "That's because you are acting like a child." Emmett said. "Hey your not any better." he sticks his tongue out and I do the same.

"I'm bored." I said. Liam and Logan were upstairs taking a nap. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" Emmett said. I fell of the couch. "I do!" I said. "If Bella does then I am." Edward said. "It's up to Alice." Jasper said. I give them my puppy dog eyes that no one can resist. "Fine me and Vivienne will to." Ronnie said.

"Ok, ok, ok." Alice said. I do that to Carlisle and Esme. "Fine we will." I clap and jump up and down. We all sit in the circle. Rose sits next to Emmett then Esme, Carlisle, me, Edward, Vivienne, Ronnie, Alice then Jasper. "ok rules." I said.

#1 nothing to dramatic

#2 every dare you don't do you take one piece of clothing off

#3 nothing to hurtful and nothing to bad

#4 no powers

"Everyone got it?" I said They nod. "OK since Emmett insisted we play this than he goes first." Carlisle says. "Ok.... Esme truth or dare?" Emmett said. "Dare." "Ok fill you mouth up with water and everyone else has to tell the funniest joke they know and if you laugh you must put eat a mouth full of dirt." We all burst out laughing.

She leaves and comes back with water she then puts it in her mouth. Carlisle starts.

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. Hes not breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls 911.

I think my friend is dead! he yells. What can I do?

The operator says, Calm down. First, lets make sure hes dead.

Theres a silence, then a shot. Back on the phone, the guy says, OK, now what?

We all laugh and Esme almost laughs. I calm down and I start next.

"I ate a clock yesterday. It was very time consuming." Everyone laughed. Edward went next. "Why couldn't the bicycle stand up? Because it was two tired!" I fall on Carlisle laughing. Esme was close to laughing. Vivienne was next. "Today at the bank, an old lady asked me to help check her balance. So I pushed her over." I laugh.

Ronnie was next "I asked my grandma if she had ever tried 69. She said, No, but I have done 53 — thats all the sailors I could screw in one night. We all laughed. Alice was next. "A man dies, and his wife gets him cremated. She takes the ashes home and starts talking to them.

You know that fur coat you promised me? I bought it with the insurance money. You know the new car you promised me? I bought it with the insurance money.

Then she whispers, You know that blow job I promised you? Well, here it comes.

I burst out laughing I was rolling on the ground. Emmett was rolling on the ground also. Esme was smiling. Jasper was next. "One man is walking a tightrope. Another man is getting a blow job from a 90-year-old woman.

What do the men have in common?

In order to succeed, both must follow the same advice: dont look down." I giggled. Rose was next. "How do you catch a bra?

Set up a boobie trap." I laughed. Last was Emmett. "Once upon a time, there was a king who thought that his officers were going to try to have sex with his queen. So he made all of his officers put on tight pants and told them that if anyone got a boner their head would be chopped off.

So he lined them up and the queen came to the first one and took off her gown. He got a boner, so that was the end of him.

Then she came to the next one and took off her gown, he got a boner and that was the end of him. This went on until she came to the last one and took off gown, then her underthings and he didnt get a boner. So she took off his clothes and started rolling on the floor with him, half an hour went by, then an hour, finally after two hours the king came in to see what was happening and as soon as the king came in the guy got a boner."

I couldn't take it anymore I was rolling on the ground laughing my ass off. "E... Emmett nice one." We all started to and Esme spat up the water and laughed also. "Yay!! She laughed!!" Emmett yelled which made another set of laughs start. "Stop it, stop it, stop it. I can't take anymore humor." Emmett goes and gets some dirt then he gives it to Esme. "This is the best humor I have had in my whole life." I said smiling. Esme Glares at me.

She sighs the eats it. She makes a weird face. I gat into another fit of giggles. Everyone else does to. Then she goes and pukes it up. She comes back. "Bella truth or dare?" She won't do anything to bad. "Dare." I said. Then she smirks evilly. Boy was I wrong. So wrong.

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