Chapter 23

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I fall to my knees and scream as loud as I can as I feel a soaring pain in my stomach. "BELLA!!!" Everyone yells. Edward runs and drops to the floor as I fit my knees on it, then he slowly lowers me so I am laying down. "AHHHH!!!!" I year as I see Carlisle run towards the demon in my father's body. "Don't kill him." I say. Carlisle looks at me as he is holding the demon against the wall.

"We can help him." I barely see Carlisle punch the demon on my fathers body and knock him unconscious. I start gasping for air. I spit up blood and everyone surrounds me. Carlisle grabs my hand. "Change me. Change me please daddy." I say as tears fall down my face. "I can't. I can't." He says as he dry sobs.

"Yes you can or else I will die. Please I don't wanna loose you. I don't wanna die. Please." I say. Carlisle hits the floor. "Bella it was hard enough to stop drinking your blood and that is huge coming from me, what if I loose control." I move my hand around and feel for his hand once I find it I calm down a little more. "I believe in you Dad. Do it, please."

He takes a deep breath and nods. "You can't have any morphine the venom will spread to quickly and won't help at all." I nod. "Take the boys and Vivienne out and don't return till I wake up, they don't need to see this. Or hear it." I say Esme nods and her, Ronnie and the boys leave. Edward picks me up and runs to Carlisle's office.

Edward lays me down and then backs up near the door. I start coughing up more blood and my oxygen stops and I try to gasp for air. Jasper runs over, not breathing and sits me up with both his hands and the blood drains out of my mouth. Then I scream as the bullet moves in my stomach, making me spit up more blood.

Carlisle holds my hand tight as he looks at me. I gasp again for air. "Do it, or she'll die." Edward says panicked. Carlisle looks like he is about to break down crying. "I believe in you." I barely say. "This will hurt a lot." He say as he leans down he holds my hand tighter as his lips make contact with my skin.

He softly kisses me then whispers, "I'm so sorry, I love you my Babygirl." Then his teeth sink down through the skin and I feel him pump venom into my system. Then a few seconds later I feel it and I scream out in pain. Carlisle lifts his head then starts to bite my wrists and legs. "Bella this will make the transformation go by faster. Just squeeze my hand." Carlisle says. I scream again. I barely feel his hand on mine and the coldness doesn't help the burning pain.

"It's fire!!!! Its fire!!! Put out the fire!!!" I yell out. "Bella that's the venom." I barely hear as my vision goes in and out. Then it goes completely black. The pain never stops it always there. That fire coursing through my veins is 100x hotter then the sun. It feels like every nerve in my body is burning alive. The darkness almost consumes me, it was like I wa drowning in the darkness. I couldnt feel my hands, finger, toes, legs, arms, I was completely still like I was paralyzed.

The darkness kept bringing me into the darkness. But if I went I would never see my family, my babies, my boys. I would never see my baby boys grow older and become an adult. I would never marry Edward if he ever poped the question. I would never go online and look for clothes with her even if it was boring. I would never work on cars with Rosalie and talk about girls things. I would never see Vivienne get married and have kids of her own.

I would never pull pranks with Emmett and make everyone pissed off at me. I would never bake with Esme while singing obnoxiously loud while dancing like an idiot. I would never go through the history books with Jasper and never have another day with Major. Izzy would never come back and she wouldn't help me when I needed it. Ronnie and myself would never have long talks about his past life and get to know him better.
Then it was Carlisle.

We would never have a father daughter day again. Never have longs tall about myslef and himself when he was human. We would never go to the hospital together and I would never help him again. I would never see him again. He would never walk ne down the aisle and we would never have a father daughter danc eat my wedding.

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