Chapter 20

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When I try to go back to sleep it doesn't work. "How Much alcohol did you guys drink?" I say. "A lot." Emmett barely says before he starts puking again. I groan again. I put my hand up and whisper a spell. The room becomes silent of everything. Carlisle chuckles. "Shut up and lay down." I grumbled. He laughs lightly but lays down. "Are we going to school tomorrow." "No." I nod, closing my eyes he kisses me on the cheek. "Love you baby girl." "Love you too Daddy."

*2 Weeks Later*

I am getting ready for school. Edward has distanced himself I don't know why. I dress in a long sleeve light pink crop top with black jeans. I put on light pink pumps. I put on matching eyeshadow and lipstick with mascara and eyeliner. I curl my hair lightly and leave it down.

I grab my bag and head downstairs. I grab an apple and eat it quickly. I don't see anyone besides Esme. "Where is everyone?" She looks at me. "They left a few minutes ago." "Ok well I am gonna head out." I kiss her cheek and go to my bike. I then leave and head to school. When I get there I dont see my family. I walk in amd everyone looks at me. I shrug it off and go to my locker. I open it up and put books and stuff in. When I close it I see Jasper.

I jump. "God dammit Jazz. Why did you leave without me?" I felt hurt. "Dont worry. It won't happen again Darlin. I'm sorry." "Yea its fine I guess." "But there is something I need to show you." "Ok what is it?" He covers my eyes and walks me somewhere takes my bag off my shoulders. "Jasper what is this?" "Bella calm down." Then I hear my heels clicking on hardwood floor. It was the gym. Then I heard Edward start to sing. (Up top)

Jasper uncovers my eyes and I see Edward all the way across the gym singing My Girl by Dylon Scott. I see my whole family including Esme and Carlisle. "Yeah she's my girrrrl." Tears came to my eyes as he finished the last sentence. "Isabella McCarthy Cullen will you be my prom date?" I nod not trusting my voice. I run to him and jump on him wrapping my arms and legs around him, I kiss him. He spins around smiling while kissing me.

People cheer while clapping. "I love you." I whisper in his ear. "I love you too Bella." "Is this why you have been distancing yourself from me?" "Sort of." I shake my head. I get down smiling. Carlisle comes up to me and kisses my cheek. Same with everyone else. Then they leave and we continue on our day. At lunch I sit on Edward's lap smiling and nibbling on a cookie. "Everyone is talking about this morning." Alice said. I smile. Edward kisses my head and the bell rings.

I head to Biology. Sitting next to Jasper. I couldnt believe that prom was a month and a half away. Where did the time go? The bell rings and we go to gym.  Soon that is over and we head home. When I ge there I go to the living room and sit on the floor with my homework o the coffee table. Logan and Liam were watching Paw Patrol. I was listening to my music while doing at. "Momma what are you doing?" Liam says. "I am doing my homework from school." He nods watching the tv show again.

When I am done I put everything in my bag and pit it in my room. I grab a snack and head to the living room. Everyone went out hunting. I took the boys to my room and we watched a movie. Vivienne and Ronnie were out on a date. After the movie was over the boys were asleep. I hear a loud bang. The boys jolt awake. "Stay here." I whisper. They nod. "Stay quiet." I got up then my door flew opens and I saw a vampire with red eyes.

I flew him out of my room. He came back and hissed. Then he threw me back in a wall. My boys cried loudly. The vampire went to them but I ran over and put them behind my back. "You are not getting my kids." He punches my face then kicks my head and I black out. Next thing I know I am in a field. I see my mother comes down from the sky in a floor length long sleeved dress that had designs on it. Her wings were huge!

They could carry 10 full grown men. Her hair was down and in natural waves. It went mid back. I smiled and got up and hugged her. "Hi mommy." "Hey baby." "Why am I here?" "Because a vampire came and took your kids. But remember where you got took last, there you will find them, before it's to late." "Is my father in this?" "He is behind it but he didn't take them. Now go. You have less than a day. Go find my grandbabies." I wake up screaming Logan's and Liam's name.

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