Chapter 5

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I woke up to, 2 light people bouncing on my stomach. I groaned and opened my eyes. I saw my 2 boys smiling. "Why are you 2 bouncing on me?" "Because mommy everyone went out hunting besides Ronnie he is watching Vivienne sleep." Liam said. "Then why did you wake me up if he was here?" "Because momma he doesn't know how to make yummy food."

I looked at the clock. it was 1 in the morning. I groaned again. "Sorry Bella maybe sometime you can teach me." Ronnie was suddenly next to me I jumped. Then laughed at myself. "Or Vivienne can." I wiggled my eyebrows. He chuckled and left. I got out of bed and picked Logan and Liam up, I then went down stairs to the kitchen.

"What do you guys want to eat that is quick?" "Strawberries!!" They said together. I laughed and got out the strawberry container, I then went to the pantry and got out chocolate syrup. I got out 2 bowls and cut them up and drowned them in chocolate syrup. I put them in front of them I gout out 3 forks and gave them each one. I started to eat out of both of their bowls and they didn't seem to mind once we were done they licked the bowls while I giggled. "You guys are pigs." I said playfully. They looked at me and smiled.

I picked up their bowls and washed them. I turned around and saw a guy with both my boys his hands on their mouths. "LEAVE MY BOYS ALONE!!!!!" I knew Ronnie heard me because he was next to me in a second my boys were crying. "GET AWAY FROM THEM NOW!!!!" I yelled again. "I think not." Ronnie held me back from attacking him.

"Get away from them please take me not them." "No I like seeing you like this." "You don't even know me or them." "Yes I do, I also know your father I am here for him. Ohhh, just wait till he escapes prison again, things will be a whole lot worse." I froze at the mention of my so called father. "My father died the night my mom died. He doesn't even know the boys."

"Yes he does he knows that you value them the most out of all of your family." "Of course I do they are my kids, but I love every single person in this family." The man had his hands on the boys small necks. "Please, please, please don't hurt them. stop it!! PLEASE!!" I begged. Ronnie let me go and I walked slowly forward. "Don't take another step or they die." I immediately froze. "Does your father know that he has 2 twin boys, Isabella?" "No and he will never know because what he did to me is not gonna happen to them." "mmmmm." My whole family was next to me. "Please let them go they are innocent." I had tears slowly falling down my face. I was scared and really angry by know. Let me out Bella!! Izzy roared in my head. The man looked at me in the eyes. I smirked. Everyone was looking at me.

Izzy's P.O.V.

I was finally out again. my eyes changed color to a very bright icy blue color. "Let my kids go." I had a very heavy southern accent. "Momma help us." Liam barely breathed out. the man hand tightened around their neck. "Izzy's out to play." Emmett whispered to low for the boys or man to hear. I looked at them all and they back up behind me. I put up a very strong physical shield more powerful then Bella's. They started to breath more. "It's time to have some fun." I said to the man. He gulped.

"Y-your T-The G-G-Goddess Of W-War?" He was about to shit his pants.

"Oh, hell yea I am. And when you mess with my kids, well then, you dead." I said in a calm but deadly voice.

I heard him gulp. "When I get the kids cover their ears and eyes." I said a little more gentle to my family. They all nodded scared to piss me off more. I stalked towards him and I ripped my kids out of his grip. I threw them towards the family and I quickly looked back. Jasper caught Liam and Carlisle caught Logan. I saw them cover their ears and eyes. I turned around quickly. "This is gonna be fun to watch." Emmett said.

I shook my head with a smirk. Vivienne was holding on to Ronnie. "Now since your a vampire I could do a lot of things to you, what should I start with. Oh I have an idea I'm gonna rip off you tiny ass dick and burn it and watch you wither in pain them I'm gonna do that to your fingers then toes then your legs and arm's." He ran but I was in front of him in less than a second. I took him outside while Esme and Vivienne took care of my kids.

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