Chapter 39

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It's been 4 years. 4 years since we all settled in, school is boring but good. Liam and Logan are good. They officially stopped growing. Makes me sad but that's the truth. The girls, well they stopped growing and look to be 18 years old. Their growing had to be sped up for some reason. But I have an idea what it is.

Everything is good except me and Alice had a vision. This vision was about Charlie or more like it, the demon. I have a feeling, and it's a bad feeling.

The vision was about the fight between me, my family, some friends of Carlisle's and The Volturi and demons. Some one died, someone close to me died, we don't know who but someone died. There was a huge fight, but the thing is, it feels like something is holding me back from something.

It's like, a decision, or choice, it's for me and whatever I do it affects the ones I love. Whatever it is  it's freaking me out to be honest. But, all I know, all we know is that, this fight it has everything involved. Demons, Angel's, vampires, werewolves, shifters, witch's. Anything and everything.

But there are 2 people that stand out in this vision. It's Charlie, and a woman, a dark and beautiful woman. Jasper told me about her, her names Maria, the evil vampire that tortured him and changed Jasper. We all went out and gathered allies. We gathered all our allies that we had when Aro wanted my kids.

We then gathered some Angel's, and more hybrids, after the Volturi tried to go after us, we found a lot more hybrids. Some were half vampire half witch, then half vampire and angel, half vampire half shifter. Then there was half vampire half demon, but those half vampire and half demon were on our side.

Me and Jasper have been training everyone to get rid of anything that comes our way. We even found a few bounty hunters who heard about this and wanted to help, so that was good.

Me and Alice know that this fight is less then a month away. I haven't had the time to spend with my family because I have been so busy with Major and training everyone that I haven't had the time. Me and Edward both have a bad feeling about this. The only people that know that someone will die is me, Alice and Edward.

We didn't want to freak anyone out or have them leave because of this. The more help we have the better chance at survival in this war. "Bella? Earth to Bella?" I hear, I look up and see Alice. "A group just arrived. They say they are from Mystic Falls. Come on." Alice grabs my hands and we head outside and through the at least 100 people here.

I go over to the group they had quiet a few people, "Bella, this is Bonnie Bennett, Damon Salvatore, Stephan Salvatore, Elina Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Matt Donovan, Alaric Saltzman, and Tyler Lockwood." Alice says I wave. "Hi I'm Bella Cullen. So what are you guys?" I ask. Then they go on and tell me everything.

"Ok why don't we go inside and see what our differences are." They nod and we all head inside. I sit on Edward's lap and our family gathered around and we get to know them all, we see what Daman and Stephan have different traits from us. Me and Bonnie start talking about witches.

And before we knew it it was the middle of the night. Anna and Nessie were sleeping on Carlisle and Jaspers lap. Liam and Logan were laying their heads on me and Edward. I slowly get up and pick Liam up while Edward picks Logan up.

Even with them being 18 years old physically I will always be able to hold and carry them. We walk upstairs and Edward and I head to the boys room. I lay Liam down in his bed and cover him up. "Night mommy." He whispers. "Night my love." I kiss his head then I kiss Logan's head.

I grab Edward's hand and we walk downstairs. Me and Elina start talking she tells me she is dating Stephan. And that Damon is a player and stuff like that. "Uhm, Bella?" Bonnie says. I look at her, does Liam and Logan have a mate?" She asks, "Yes, Liam has a mate, his mate is Leah, the wolf over there." I point to where I was talking about.

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