Chapter 37

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Liam and Logan up top


It's been 5 months since the Volturi happened. Liam and Logan now stopped growing for good. We are moving to Orlando Florida, I have put a spell on all the vampires here that'll last for as long as I want it to. This spell will make me tired and warn our if I skip any kind of meal, if I do then I will be weaker then usual.

Jacob, Leah and Seth are coming with us to be with their imprints. Liam and Leah are together. I was waiting for it to happen and it makes me so happy to see then happy. It also made me a little sad. They grew up to fast. I didn't like that. I've felt like yesterday they were 2 and I was taking a bath with them, as they fought but then we made up and they slept with me.

Now they were both 18 and only 3 years old. They are both very protective of their little sisters. Which is pretty funny sometimes when they talk about boys Jasper, Emmett, Ronnie and especially Edward and both of them it is hilarious.

I sigh packing up my clothes and makeup. When that is done I pack up my bedsheets and pillow cases. After an hour I am done. We are gonna be travelling on a plane at noon today. Our cars and motorcycles-to Jasper and me- were shipped there today at noon. Edward comes in and grabs my bags. I go and help Nessie and Anna pack but I see Seth and Jacob have beat me to it.

They all look at me. I nod and walk out. I go to Liam and Logan's room and walk in. "Can I help pack?" I ask, I heard the sadness in my voice but I hoped they didn't. They smile. "Sure mom!" Liam says I smile and fold some clothes and put them in each of their bags. "Mom what's wrong?" Logan asks. I look at both of them. "Nothing's wrong boys." I smile but it didn't reach my eyes.

They sit down and take the clothes out of my hands. I try and protest but they shush me. I look at them like they are crazy. "You always get those silver specks in your golden eyes when something is wrong." Logan says I frown. "This is the place I grew up in, this is the place where I gave birth to you 2 and your sisters, this is the place where Charlie kidnapped me so many times, this house is my life, mostly all my best and favorite memories are here. This is my home and we are just leaving." I shake my head as tears start to come to my eyes. They both hug me. "And-and now you both are grown up after 2 years, soon your both are gonna leave me and start a family on your own. And have your own family." I sniff.

"It's gonna be ok we can come back in 50 years." I chuckle. I pull away and wipe my tears. We start packing again and soon we are done and we walk down the stairs. Esme hands me a protein bars I eat it then throw away the wrapper. We all had our bags, 3 taxies were coming in only a few minutes. "I remember walking through those doors when I was 6 in Carlisle's arms."

I point towards the door. Everyone looks at me and I smile sadly. I had the memory like it was yesterday. "I had just awoken from a nap in the car. Carlisle walked through the doors with Esme and Rose behind him and I saw the whole family. I remember being scared because Emmett was so big. Then Jasper took me and held me. Then I played with all of you guys." They all smile. "We will be back." Dad says hugging me.

"The taxies will arrive in 30 seconds." Alice says, I sigh and turn around looking at the house one last time. I was devastated that we had to leave. We grab our bags and walk out of the house. Me, Edward, Jasper,  and Vivienne got in one, Edward sat up front. I laid my head on Jasper's shoulder. "We will come back Darlin." I nod frowning.

The car ride was silent. When we got to the airport we all went through security then went to our gate. We had to wait an hour before we had to get on. We were first class passengers. Me, Edward, Logan, Liam and the girls all went up first and showed her our tickets, then we aboard the plane. We find our seats. I was on the outside next to Liam who was next to the window. Then across from us was Edward and the girls he was on the outside also.

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