Chapter 29

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A month later**

I have been Edwards Fiancé now for a month and a week. I have been stressing over wedding plans and such. My wedding will be in 2 months. August 13th, today I am asking Jasper if he will walk me down the isle with Carlisle. I am dressing in a tan loose crop top and some blue skinny jeans with some sneakers. I curl my hair and put on some natural makeup. I walk down stairs and walk in the kitchen Esme handed me a cup of coffee and I smiled at her.

Vivienne comes down and Esme hands her some tea. Then she sets some food in front of us. "Thanks." "Your welcome." She washes the dishes and then leaves the room. I eat and talk to Vivienne. After I am done I go tot he living room and sit on the couch upside down. My family members look at me weirdly. Don't judge me." I say.

Ronnie shakes his head saying, "No judgement here." "Yes there is." Emmett says back. I glare at him and blast him with water. I laugh "That's judgment now." "Bella be nice to Emmett and Emmett be nice to Bella." Esme says walking out of the kitchen with a picnic basket. I smile and spin around and walk towards her and grab the picnic basket. She smiles back and hands me it.

I walk over to Jasper who was looking at it confused and grab his hand. I kiss Edward and hug Esme and Carlisle then we run out. "Bella what is all this for?" He asks as we stop in front of the lake. "Trust me Jasper. " "I do." "Sorta." I gasp and hit his chest. He chuckles and we jump over the river. I run us to mine and Jasper's place which is in a meadow like place with a waterfall and a river below it. And the meadow has all different kinds of flowers and no matter how cold and cloudy it is it seems to always be warm and sunny.

I set up the picnic and lay down on the blanket. "So why did you want to come out here with out no heads up?" Jasper asked. "Hold on hold on let me get stuff out first then questions and answers." "Um, ok." He says I take out a 'wine' bottle and 2 wine glasses and fill them both with 'red wine'. "Bella i can't drink wine."

He says upset. "Yea, I know." I say with attitude. i hand him a glass. "Bella-" "Take a sip Jasper." "Why?" "Just do it." I tap my glass with his and I bring it to my lips and take a small sip Jasper does too and his yes widen. "What is this?" He said wide eyed. I smile. "It is jaguar blood." "I love it!" I nod "I know it is the best." "How did you even get this?" "I might have snuck out of the house and went to Africa and such...." I say getting quieter and quieter.

His eyes widen, "When!" "A few hours ago calm down jeez, I'm 18 Jasper I am a legal adult I can go wherever the hell I want! For damn sake I am getting fucking married Jasper!" "Yes I know this." He says grumpy, "Hey what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Well nothing is a something so something means it is something which means it's not nothing which means you have to tell me." He looks at me with his head tilted and his mouth slightly open.

"Jesus women are so confusing." He whispers so lowly I had to strain my vampire ears. "I heard you." He looks down and takes a sip of his blood. "So anyways back to before, why did you want to come out here with out no heads up?" I smile, "Well I am getting married in 2 months. I have a question for you." "What is it?" I take a deep breath and try to slow my heart down." Then is stand up and pull him up with me. "Bella your concerning me what is wrong?"

I look at him with tears in my eyes. "I know for a regular persons wedding the father walks their daughter down the isle by himself..." He stands up straighter and tears come to his eyes, and I use magic and let them actually fall. "I asked my father to walk me down the isle, he said yes, but I also asked him if someone else can also walk me down the isle with him..."

He clears his throat and wipes tears away. "I was wondering if you would walk me down the isle with him. So Jasper Whitlock will you, walk me down the isle on August 23rd at 3o' clock pm?" "I would love that Bella." He says softly. Tears fall down my face and he pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my legs around his waist as I cry into him.

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