Chapter 26

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"Go Bella, enjoy it." Emmett said lowly. I smiled and got up. All the students in my row stood up so I can get by and when I did they all sat down smiling and clapping. I walked towards the stage with my head high, a huge smile on my face and all my nervousness left my body. I glanced at Jasper and he was standing up smiling, he winked at me and I laughed. I stood next to the principal and he handed me my diploma and I turned towards the crowd so my family could take pictures.

My whole family was standing up and clapping and whistling along with the crowd. "Wooo!!! That's my baby sister!!" Emmett yelled. I laughed with tears in my eyes. I turned to the principal and he shook my hand with a smile. "Congratulations Bella. And quiet the family." He laughs. "Thank you. And yea my life will never be boring with Emmett in it." I said. He laughs. "No it won't trust me." I smile and I shook the hands of my other teachers. Then I came upon my History teacher. "Thank you for passing me on." I say. She nods with a small barely visible smile. "I realized that I did wrong and I hope you can forgive me before I never see you again."

I smile warmly at her. "Of course. But promise me you won't do it again." She nods smiling. "I will and I hope you become a young successful woman Bella." "Thank you." I say then I walk of the stage feeling proud I made amends with her. My family were smiling at me as they heard the whole conversation. I sat next to Emmett and he hugged me tightly. "Emmett McCarthy." Emmett stands up and walks down and over to the stage.

I stand up and clap loudly. "Wooo!!!" I yell. Emmett winks at me and I laugh. He walks down after he shakes all the teachers hands. Then he comes and sits next to me. "Now Jessica Stanley will say some words." The principal leaves the stage and Jessica steps up on the stage. (Everything in italics are not mine, Https:// is the site.)

When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case, princess." We all laughed, she chuckled and look down then started again.

When we were ten they asked again and we answered: rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist.

But now that weve grown up they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows?! Everyone laughs as she stars again.

This isnt the time to make hard and fast decisions, its the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love – a lot. I look at Edward and he turns around slightly and glances at me. Major in philosophy – cause theres no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.

So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be we wont have to guess. Well know.

After exactly 1 second everybody clapped, screamed and threw our caps in the air. I took mine off and threw it in the air catching it as it falls to the ground. I hug Emmett tightly and he hugs me back tears come to my eyes. "I thought I couldn't cry." I whisper. "Your a witch you can cry." He says. I laugh and we pull apart walking to Carlisle and Esme with my kids. They hug me tightly and I hug then back. Vivienne runs over and hugs me tightly.

I hug her back as I feel a few tears fall on my shoulder. Esme hugs me tightly then Carlisle hugs me tightly. I pull away and he kisses my cheek. "Ok I want pictures." Esme says. I laugh, Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Ronnie stand in a line. Then Rose stand in front of Emmett to the side then Alice then me and finally Vivienne. They snap a few pictures then it was Just the boys.

They did a nice picture then a funny one. Then it was us girls. It was Rose, and Vivienne in the back while I was in the front with Alice. I took off my heels and stood in front of Rose since she was taller. Then Carlisle and Esme took some pictures. After that I jumped on Rose's back and Vivienne got on Alice's back. Vivienne had her hands over Alice's eyes.

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