Chapter 16

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"I dare you to go to the mall and walk up to the first person you see and start flirting with them no matter the gender. Then make out with he or she for 5 minutes. Then you have to wear your sexiest piece of clothing. Alice, Rose and Vivienne have to dress you also and do your makeup and hair." Everyone laughs while my mouth is falling to the ground. I huff.

I get up and stomp to my room as the girls follow me. I sit on my bed as they set everything up. Soon they have everything and I dress in a black low v neck short dress. They straighten my hair then do a natural look. I put on my black heels and grab my purse.

I walk down stairs and Edward was siting on the arm of the chair laughing with Emmett, Carlisle, Jasper and Ronnie

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I walk down stairs and Edward was siting on the arm of the chair laughing with Emmett, Carlisle, Jasper and Ronnie. "Now presenting the new and improved Bella McCarthy." The girls say everyone looks at me and Edward falls of the arm of the chair. His eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Emmett and Jasper were the same way. "No." Carlisle says wide eyed. "Dad mom was the one who did the dare."

"No." "I'm 18 and it's just a dare. Now come on this dress is tight and shows to much cleavage." We all walk out Esme gets the boys. We then head to the mall and I walk in. The first person I see is Noah the douche bag that keeps touching me and stuff. They follow my eyes and I frown.

"No, no, no, no that guy goes to my school and he kept trying to touch me in the wrong way." "To bad baby sis." He was in a small store looking around. We all walked in and they hid in the corner still watching. Emmett will start the timer for 5 minutes and when it is up Ronnie will call me. Everyone was holding back Edward. I walk up to Noah.

"Noah." I say. He looks up and his eyes go wide. I was a foot from him. I rub my hand up and down his arm. "Bella why are you wearing that?" "Because I wanted to show off myself and because I dressed up for you." "I though you were with Edward." "Well what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Right?" he smiles. "Yea right." He grabs a hold of my waist and smashes his lips to mine.

I almost gag. He pushes me up against the wall 10 feet from my family. His eyes were closed and I looked at my family. I glared as hard as I could at Esme. She backed up behind Carlisle. I let my shield down. I am about to puke Edward so stop fighting. I then put it back up and I look over and see him calm down.

Noah moved his right hand on my ass and lifted my leg up on his waist. He pushes up against me. He had a boner. I barely stopped the shudder. My family saw it. I feel him slip something in my boobs. I feel my phone vibrate. I pull away and I get it. I look at it and frown.

"Bella what's wrong?" Noah asked. "Esme my mom. She fell down the stairs and is very injured. I have to go." He nods. "And this was a one time thing only." He nods. I wink and I walk to the bathroom. I get in and I take out my tooth brush and my toothpaste.

I start to brush my teeth vigorously. After 5 minutes I spit out and I rinsed my mouth. I walked out and I saw Noah leave and my family came out of their hiding spot. I growled and walked up to Esme Edward held me back. "Let me go." I said. "Nope come on." We walked out and went home I changed back to my regular clothes.

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