Chapter 30

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I wake up the next morning next to Edward. I look at the time and see it is 10. I got a sudden feeling of sadness because I wanted Jasper. Then I remembered that the got here at 5, is what Esme said. I hop out of bed quickly. "Bella?" Edward said. "Jasper." I said then I ran out with my vampire super speed.

I run down the stairs and see Jasper standing in the middle of the living room smiling at me. I ran to him and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry I drove you out of the house." "It's fine Darlin, your ok now." I smile and hug him tighter. Then after a good 5 minutes I hug Alice tightly.

I then pull away and Esme hands me some coffee. I sit on the couch and Jasper sits next to me with his arm behind my head. "Where are the boys?" I asked. "They are with Vivienne and Ronnie at the park." Rose said. "Ok well when she gets back we have to go look for my wedding dress, plus the brides maids dresses plus the maid of honor dress. And Leah is coming with us and so is Jasper cause we need a boy's point of view."

Jasper groans. I hit his chest lightly and he smiles and kisses my hairline. "YAY!! They should be here........... now." Alice says then we here a car pull up. Vivienne walks in with Ronnie and their faces light up as they see me. I get up and they run over and hug me. "Oh my god it was true you did wake up!" Vivienne said. "Yea I did last night around midnight."

She sniffs and pulls away. Then Ronnie hugs me for a few minutes. "The boys are asleep in the car." Vivienne said. Emmett and Edward leave the room. "So us girls plus Leah are going dress shopping since we have a month and a week till my wedding." Vivienne squeals and claps. "OK! Imma go get ready!" She then runs upstairs.

I laugh and walk upstairs and dress in a short sleeved black shirt with some blue faded skinny jeans and some black heels. I curl my hair lightly and put on natural makeup. I then grab my phone and purse. I head downstairs and see everyone who is coming ready. Edward tosses me his car keys and Carlisle tosses his keys to Esme.

"Ok, Jasper, and Vivienne with me. "Esme you have Rose and Alice, also Alice don't you dare look into the future and see which dress I pick out we are gonna enjoy it like a normal person, also I text Leah and she is at the treaty line, I am gonna pick her up and you guys follow. Ok?" They nod and we leave. Jasper gets in the front and Vivienne in the back.

"Rose be nice to her Leah is a great woman, and don't be rude about how she smells because she is a wolf." I tell everyone. "Ok." They all say. We are then on our way. Soon we make it to the treaty line and Leah gets in my car. "Oh my god, thank you Bella for letting me come. I know I smell bad so yo said you brought me clothes that don't smell bad but will also lesson my smell right?"

I nod. "Yep you can change when we get there if you want." "Yea it's the least I can do since you said I can come. And be a bridesmaids too." I nod. "No problem Leah." I turn up the music and we all sing along to it. After an hour we get there and we all get out.

"Are you comfortable changing in the car, no one will see you the windows are tinted black." "Yea I am fine with that I change really quickly too." I nod and hand her some clothes and shoes. She gets back in the car and after a minute she comes out in a royal blue tight crop top with black skinny jeans and royal blue heels.

My eyes widen and she looks at me and everyone else. "What? Do I look bad?" "No you should wear blue more often, it looks stunning on you." I say she smiles, "Thank you, now come on lets do this!" I laugh and we all walk in the mall and go to the wedding dress store that has decorations, wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, maid of honor dresses, and accessories, shoes and everything.

Jasper sits down in front of the changing rooms in our section where us girls will be trying on dresses. We all look around as a lady comes up to us. "Hi welcome to Wedding Adventure, my name is Allie, I will be helping you all if you need it, so who is the bride, who are the bridesmaids and maid of honor?" I raise my hand. "Bride." I say her eyes widen as she looks at me.

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