Chapter 24

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After everyone was done we all ran back home. When we got home I changed into some jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I then sat on Edward's lap next to Jasper. Babe's how's the vampire life going. I smile. Good. Ok well I need ta talk ta da family. Ok. "Izzy needs to talk to you all." I say every vampires head shoots my way.

"Ok." Carlisle says. I nod and stand up moving to the front of everyone and close my eyes then I move to the back of Izzy's mind.

Izzy's P.O.V.

"Hay Ya'll." I say smiling. "Hi Izzy." Edward ma mate comes and kisses me gently. I kiss back and he sits back down. "What did ya need to talk about Darlin?" Jasper says as he was smiling and getting up to hug me. I hug him back. "Well it's about ma babes being a 'Vampire'." I say in quotes. "What's that mean?" Carlisle says.

"Ma Babe's isn't all vampire. The reason her eyes are violet is because of her witch side that is now her permanent eye color. They will never change but the trick is, to humans she will have her regular eyes color besides family, like Vivienne she is human and she will see her violet eyes because she is family in Bella's mind. And because of her witch side she will still sleep every night. She still has to have human food but not much. And her heart beat will be very quiet and very slow, it beats 20 times a minute."

"So she isn't full human?" Emmett asks. "Correct." I say smiling and looking around. "Do you know what her power is if she has one?" Rosalie says. I smile. "Yes I do. She has a few her main powers are, super self-control like Dad. A physical shield and another thing which I shall not name." I say smiling. "Don't worry you all will love it but will also be astonished and in shock."

They all look at me confused. I smile widely. Then is drops. "Izzy what's wrong?" Edward says zooming to me. "Something... Something terrible is coming, you all won't know what but its coming. It's coming soon." "What is?" Carlisle says coming to me. "I don't know." I say looking at him. "I must go now. Protect Bella, please." I say. Then in a hurry I am in the back of Bella's mind.

Bella's P.O.V.

I come back with no memory of what happened. "How did it go?" I asked smiling. No one answered just started at me wide eyed. "Guys?" I asked concerned. I go to Edward and tap him. I went to Jasper and hit the back of his head. I then went to Carlisle "DADDY!!!!!" I screamed while shaking him violently.

"What?" He says loudly. "Finally what happened? You guys just froze on me." I say they all look at me. "Bella Izzy said something very bad is coming she was actually scared for you. And you also not fully Vampire you are part witch part vampire so you still need sleep, food and you can get hurt, not easily but not as hard as us." I nod.

"You have super self control and your main powers are physical shield, self control and something else but she didn't tell us. That means Logan and Liam can come back with Vivienne." Jasper says I smile. "I'll call them." Carlisle says then he runs out. I sit on the couch. "So what do you guys do that's not boring?" I ask.

"Have sex, talk, hang out with you, hang out with the kids and Vivienne then more sex." Emmett says. "For real?" I say looking at them Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme nod. "Well I also cook. but that's about it." Esme says. I groan and lay back. Carlisle comes back. "They want to see me and Bella, only."

He says. I sigh. "Ok. lets go." I grab his keys and walk no. "No, I'm driving." He says. "Last time you drove you made us get a ticket so hell nah!" I say back now in the garage. I get in his black Mercedes and start it. "If you don't hurry yo ass up Imma be leaving!" I yell, knowing I don't need to. Then there is a whoosh and he is next to me buckled up.

I smile and buckle up myself then start the car and drive off. Soon I smell them and cringe. He laughs and I glare. When I reach the territory line thing I stop the car and pull it over. I get out of the car and see the whole pack with Liam, Logan and Vivienne. I smile and walk up still staying on my side of the line.

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