Chapter 1 : beginning

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3rd POV

reality is a word that can describe pain, suffering, torment, injustice, and so on, Reality can turn a harmonious family into disarray, turn a person's life into torment, and can even turn a child's dream into wishful thinking, as would happen to a child from a yagi family, a yagi family consisting of a father who works hard to support the family, a mother who loves the family very much, twins who support each other and are there for each other, no one expected the reality to befall one of the children from the yagi family, which will be the beginning of a child's struggle to keep going and not giving up on his dreams no matter how difficult it is until finally, he reaches it with people he loves, whom he trusts, who keep helping him to get up and keep moving forward until he is successful.

---//Time Skip\\---

Izuku Yagi, a 4-year-old boy, is playing with his twin brother, Izuma Yagi, They were waiting they name are called, they wait in the waiting room with their mother, After a few minutes they name are called and they went to the doctor's office to receive the results of their quirk, After entering the doctoral office their mother asked how the results of the examination were done, The doctor said he had good news and bad news, Inko was shocked when she heard the word "bad news" because how could there be bad news about her son's quirk, Right?.

"I think it's bad news first" she replied nervously, The doctor see her and put the paper in his hand to the table. 

"from the results of Izuku's examination, he doesn't have a quirk or a quirkless, I'm sorry," the doctor said while showing a sad face, Hearing this Izuku drops his toy and Inko uses her quirk to pick up the fallen toy and gives it to Izuku. 

"what about the Izuma result," Inko ask. 

"That is the good news, Izuma has a quirk like you is even stronger," the doctor said hearing that Inko congratulates Izuma and forgot about Izuku's sadness, After that Inko thanked the doctor and left carrying Izuma while Izuku following her from behind sad feeling and before Izuku left the doctor's office he heard the doctor say. 

"Hey Kid, Keep looking up and don't give up, No matter what everyone throws at you even from your family, stay strong and good luck in your life" Izuku was confused by the doctor's words but he still nodded.

When he got to the car, Inko put Izuma in the front seat, and Izuku climbs into the back seat alone, during the trip Inko continued to congratulate and talk with Izuma, she keeps talking to Izuma and she forgets about the existence of Izuku in the back seat, Izuma several times looked at Izuku and asked his condition Izuku just said. 

"congratulations Izuma you have a strong quirk! and surely you can be a great hero like All Might!" Izuku said while smiling, hiding his sadness.

When they got home, Toshinori Yagi awaited their arrival in the kitchen with a cake on the table, when they entered the house Izuma ran to the house to find his father at home and when he found Toshinori in the kitchen he said. 

"Dad! I have a strong quirk! the doctor said that my quirk is the same as a mother but stronger!" Izuma said with excitement, hearing that Toshinori seems happy, and said. 

"congrats my son you have a strong quirk and you are sure to be a great hero in the future, " Toshinori said, a few moments later Inko approached her husband and child. 

"what about Izuku dear?" Toshinori asked. 

"Doctor says Izuku is quirkless" Inko replied with a sad face, Heard that Toshinori shok and calm his wife. 

"it's okay my dear," Toshinori says while trying to calm his wife. 

"Let's cut the cake and get ready for dinner," Inko said as she took a knife and started cutting the cake, no one realized that the Izuku wasn't among them and Izuku was crying alone in his room while hugging his own legs, after a while, Izuku fell asleep on the floor of his room while his family was having dinner together.

---//Time Skip\\---

The next morning Izuku woke up because sunlight was hitting his eyes from outside the window, Izuku looked at the clock and he realized he was late for school that day he immediately wakes up and washes his face, he felt strange because no one wakes him up even his siblings that usually wake him up for school. 

"maybe Izuma rushed and forgot to wake me up" Izuku talking to himself and go to the kitchen, in the kitchen, he did not find anyone and he started wondering where hia family went. 

"Maybe mom went to the convenience store and dad has left for work," Izuku said to himself and he looked at the clock that shows 8 am, he wonders if he should do homework or not, he decided not to do homework and he watches the news on television and fills out his analysis book.

Izuku's analysis book contains about hero's abilities and also about hero's quirk with quite detail such as how the hero fight, how the hero quirk works, and what the hero weaknesses, Izuku has excellent analytical skills since he was young Now Izuku dreaming to become a hero with his analysis skill and safe so much people.

---//Time Skip\\--- 4 hours later

Izuku heard the sound of a car outside his house and he decided to tidy up his book and put them in his room, not long after Izuku did tidy his analysis book in his room he hears Izuma who just came home looked for him, in Izuku room Izuma saw Izuku was in the bed and he approached Izuku. 

"Sorry for forgetting to wake you up! what are you doing at home?" Izuma apologized and asked. 

"I was just watching the news while filling in my analysis book" Izuku replied, after that Izuma asked if Izuku would like to play with him in the park, Izuku nodded and they went to the park.

During the trip, Izuma told what he learned at school today so that Izuku wouldn't miss his lessons and Izuma asked.

"do you still want to be a hero?" Izuma ask.

"of course even though I am quirkless I still want to help others who need help" Izuku reply, hearing that Izuma remembered his schoolmate says at school.

---//Flash Back\\---

Izuma POV

I arrived at school escorted by my mom, I said goodbye to mom and went straight to class, When I arrived in class I heard my classmate's conversation and I listen to what they talking about. 

"Quirkless are weak people who exist only to be oppressed," said one of my classmates. 

"my father said that quirkless is just social trash," said a girl next to classmates who talk first, hearing that I went outside the classroom feeling really annoyed, in the school hallway I heard the conversation between 2 students one of them said. 

"do you think quirkless can be a hero or not?" His friend replied, 

"Of course he can't because he will only die when he is faced with criminals who have a quirk or a gun" hearing those words I realized that my brother would only die if he tried to be a hero, but what if.....

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters, I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story, and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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