Chapter 41 : UA Entrance Exam 3

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Izuku POV

I was looking at the participants who were doing an ability test with Hiro without realizing the presence of 3 people behind us, I continued to pay attention to the exam while giving my opinion to Hiro and Hiro also gave his opinion to me until a voice shocked us.

"Izuku! Are you cheating on us ?!" Ryu said from behind me and Hiro.

"Ryu, I'm not cheating on you. I just watched the test takers while exchanging opinions with Hiro" I said.

"if you don't believe you can sit on my lap and see the test takers" I said and Ryu walked and sat on my lap.

"You two sit beside me or do you want to sit on my lap too?" I said and they just nodded.

"haha Izuku you have been defeated by your three boyfriends" Hiro said with a laugh.

"Of course, I will give them whatever I have and do whatever they want as long as they are happy" I said.

"Wow, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi you are lucky to have Izuku as your boyfriend" Hiro said and my three boyfriends hugged me, saying they loved me.

"I envy you Izuku, you have 3 people who say they love you and I don't have anyone" Hiro said sadly.

"You're the same as me hiro, when I was a kid I didn't realize that my childhood friend liked me until he told me when I had a boyfriend and he was dating my twin brother" I said and Hiro looked confused.

"From your story your childhood friend has feelings for you and I actually suspect that your childhood friend has the same quirk as me, soulmate mark" I said.

"so?" hiro asked.

"You're stupid sometimes, huh? You have a mark on the back of your hand and you say you don't realize you have it until your childhood friends hug you and leave" I said, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi understand what I mean.

"You mean- wait a minute, what you mean is .." Hiro is still trying to understand what I'm talking about.

"You're so hopeless, the soulmate mark that appears on your partner is the most meaningful thing in a quirk owner's life and you said your friend likes cameras and he has a quirk that allows him to stop objects with the camera that feel like his quirk, and you say He has 2 quirk but he doesn't tell you his other quirk so .. "I said trying to help his stupid brain.

"am I his soul mate?" hiro asked.

"yeah idiot" I said and he blushed.

After that Hiro continued to say that it was impossible until I showed my mark which was near my shoulder and Enzi showed his mark and Kai who was on his back.

"You will surely find your friend again in the future and I will help you" I said and hiro hugged me and thanked me.

"means hiro is neko?" Ryu asked and Hiro's face flushed and nodded.

after the conversation, we continued to see the examinees destroying several robots until a very large robot was seen walking towards the examinees until a large explosion made the robot fall and the exam time was over.

I knew the explosion was from kacchan quirk because I heard a "DIE!" along with the big explosion, I jumped into the arena following Hiro and the others and approached the participants to help him take them to the UA medical room and I helped the recovery girl treat the injured participants until I saw Izuma carrying a kacchan and a brown haired girl using the quirk.

"Kacchan! What happened to you, you look messed up" I said and kacchan just replied 'Tck' then I gave a Regen WV and he drank the potion and all his wounds disappeared, recovery girl came to me and asked.

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