Chapter 53: Rescue Mission

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Izuku POV

today is the day where I saved a child who was used as an experimental material by a yakuza group led by Kai Chisaki, I worked under Nighteye's orders and he didn't believe me because I was 17 years old and I was forced to follow his orders.

He also didn't want to listen to my opinion at all and it made me very annoyed and I replied that I didn't listen to him during the meeting and he looked really annoyed because of that, after I argued with him I decided to leave his group and I got permission from the hero association to attack my own with my own plans.

I decided to attack 1 day before Nighteye's plan began because that day Kai Chisaki was going from his base to make a trade-in Black market with some of his men, I infiltrated Chisaki's headquarters as one of the food deliverymen and when I got in I immediately looked for the little boy who made an experimental material.

I searched all over Chisaki's base but I didn't find any small children there, when I wanted to get out of Chisaki's base I heard some of Chisaki's men talking about a child who was locked up in a maze under their base.

"I heard that the boss used his own son as an experimental material to make Drug and the kid was locked up in a maze under the base," one of the guards said.

"The boss is very cruel, his own children are used as experimental materials," the other guard said.

after I got that information I looked for a way into the maze and I found a path that was behind the wall of Chisaki's room, I entered and saw a long hallway so I couldn't see the end, I tried to walk down the hallway but the hallway had several paths. different and completely like a giant maze.

After several hours of searching, I finally found a lab and there were several metal doors in the lab. I tried to look behind the metal door and I saw that several children and adults were locked apart and they looked terrified by my arrival.

I opened all the iron doors that locked those people and asked them to follow me, at first they didn't believe in me and I tried to convince them and in the end, they wanted to follow me.

after that I led them out of the maze until we all managed to get out of Chisaki's headquarters, they all thanked me and I asked them to follow me first to a safe place and agreed and followed me to UA.

When we arrived in front of the UA I told Mr. Nezu I brought some people who I saved Chisaki's headquarters and Mr. Nezu allowed us all to enter and he told the hero association that I had managed to secure the prisoners at Chisaki's headquarters.

after I brought them into the UA I directed them to the Medical Room for me to check their condition and treat all the wounds on their bodies, after checked them all I took them to an unused room to let them rest and I also brought them clothes from my house because their clothes were very dirty and covered in blood.

I gave them food and drink and they thanked me while crying happily, after a few hours a hero association person came to check on them and check their identities.

After checking their identities the Hero Association said they were missing people who had been reported missing in recent years, after they were identified the Hero Association asked me to look after them for a few days until Kai Chisaki and his men were captured and I accepted the request.

Mr. Nezu prepared a room for me to stay for a few days at UA but I refused and chose to stay with them in that empty room to further ensure safety, Mr. Nezu understood and asked some UA teachers and staff to look after the people I saved and Aces also stayed at UA accompany me.

After everything was arranged I decided to invite the little kids to play because they looked scared of new people, I, Ryu, Enzi, and Kai played with the children I saved and they laughed happily playing with each other and their faces weren't. again filled with fear but joy and cheerfulness like children should.

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