Chapter 44 : UA Acceptance Results

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Izuku POV

today is the day the UA admission letter comes, a week has passed since Izuma and Kacchan took the UA entrance examination and their overall scores should have been received in class 1-A.

Izuma has been waiting for the acceptance letter to come from 7 am until now around 11 am, Izuma is also waiting for the arrival of kacchan because kacchan is waiting for the arrival of his acceptance letter at his house and opens it here.

An hour has passed and no acceptance letter came and Izuma started to think he did not pass the exam until Izuma checked one last time and found 5 letters in the mailbox, Izuma looked at the 5 letters and found a letter with his name on the envelope and he gave the rest of the letter to you and you call me, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi.

"what's wrong mom?" I asked and my mother showed the 4 remaining letters to the four of us, our names were on the envelope of the letter, then we opened the letter and read it.

The contents of the letter that has my name on the envelope is an invitation to teach at UA in exchange for a large salary plus a mall that was destroyed by a criminal attack belongs to me and I can build anything there, I realize my offer is not a coincidence they certainly know that I want to create an agency near my hospital and they offer not only close but also big and only need money to build my agency there.

after I read the letter for me I asked the others theirs and they told me that they got an offer too but the offer was not attractive to them, they asked for mine and I told them the offer to teach in UA and a used mall which I would make an agency mine.

after we finished reading our letter, Izuma and Kacchan were sitting in the living room and there were 2 letters in front of them.

"open your letter, are you not sure about your result?" I said and they took their respective letters and opened them when opened there was a hologram saying 'congratulations, you were accepted in class 1-A UA' and they both looked happy and approached me who was with my mother and boyfriend.

"Mom, we were accepted in class 1-A UA!" Izuma said happily and mom smiled at that.

"Congratulations my dear, tonight we will have a dinner with the Bakugo family, Mr. Ichio, and Miss Roze to celebrate your acceptance into UA" Mother said and Izuma just nodded and looked at me.

"Izuku, can you cook my favorite food and katsuki tonight?" Izuma asked.

"Sure, congrats brother," I said and looked at Kacchan.

"Kacchan, be nice and don't get into trouble there ok?" I said and he just answered 'Tck' and I hugged Izuma and Kacchan.

"Oh, I forgot to say, I was a temporary teacher at UA for several months maybe until years," I said and they looked shocked.

"You teach at UA? Don't be kidding! You're just a scary exam supervisor and you teach us at UA?" Izuma said.

"calm down I'm not going to do things like the entrance exams, after all, I just monitor your abilities and make sure you grow," I said and they looked relieved.

"What made you want to work at UA?" Kacchan asked.

"UA or rather Mr. Nezu offered me a large salary and a mall that was damaged due to a criminal attack belongs to me and I intend to tear down the mall and replace it with my agency," I said Kachan and Izuma were silent to hear what I said.

"Mr. Nezu offered you that much? Who exactly are you? Einstein?" Izuma said.

"If you guys don't show progress at UA I'll have you do home training with me or my dad watching over you," I said and they nodded.

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