Chapter 29 : Unexpected Surprise

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sorry if the story starts to get a bit messy, I'm getting busy with a few things, I hope you guys still like my story and if you think there's something missing you can comment for me to fix it in the future.

Thank you!


Enzi POV

It has been a few months since I joined Izuku, Kai, and Ryu, after they helped me I got a lot of progress and I even changed classes to class 2-S from 2-A.

My fighting ability and quirk control greatly improved because of Izuku's help and he also made me a spear that is easy to carry around, soon the 2-S class will face the test to get our license and also after that we face the graduation exam from school.

Now I spend more of my time practicing and watching Izuku in the lab / workshop making things, I've tried to learn what Izuku is doing but I don't understand what Izuku is doing at all.

I also have known Izuku's twin and boyfriend and I still don't understand why Izuku can forgive them after what they did to Izuku but if Izuku forgives them I have no right to remain angry with them.

Izuku has also told me that his father is All Might, at first I was surprised because from Izuku's story his father was a bastard, I also knew that Izuku was a very great inventor even the state government wanted him and would do anything to get Izuku.

I wanted to do something for Izuku and the others because of everything they gave me but I didn't know what to give, I asked my grandmother and she said I have to find out what they like first then decide to give them something.

now I'm watching the three of them to find what they like and I found that Ryu likes novels or comics and also something sweet, Kai likes action and sci-fi movies and he also likes spicy food, lastly is Izuku.

I can't find what he likes because he is always in his lab / workshop and I heard from Kai Izuku likes books but Kai doesn't know what books Izuku likes, I asked Kai and Ryu where Izuku kept their books said Izuku always kept his books on the bookshelf in his room.

When I asked what books were there they said most of the books belonging to Izuku were notebooks and some books on technology, science, and medicine, from the information I got Izuku liked the latest technology, science, and medicine books for experiment / research Izuku's.

After getting all the information I need I told my grandmother and she told me to go to a bookstore and find some novels or comics and also the latest technology, science and medicine books there, she also told me to go to a store that sells movies and buy some an action movie and Grandma will make sweet food for Ryu and hot food for Kai.

After I bought a novel for Ryu and some books about the latest technology I went to a film shop and bought the sci-fi horror film "LIFE" because Kai said he wanted to watch it but because Ryu was afraid he wouldn't watch it, after buying a gift for Kai, Ryu , and Izuku I returned to grandma's house to take the food that grandmother made for them.

After arriving at grandma's house I invited grandma to come along to give gifts and to eat together and grandma agreed, I used my quirk to go to the warehouse in Izuku's lab / workshop and prepared a surprise there.

"where are we?" grandma asked.

"This is under my dormitory and Izuku's lab / workshop" I replied while walking towards the kitchen near the spare room.

"This place is so big, why is there a kitchen here?" Grandma said when we came out of the warehouse and walked towards the kitchen.

"Izuku likes to be too busy doing things here and too tired to go upstairs so usually Kai or I cook here for Izuku" I said.

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