Chapter 54: Happy (END)

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Izuku POV

6 months have passed since I saved the victims, Chisaki and his men have been caught and the victims have returned to their families and my house has been completed.

Some of the children I saved have no parents so I adopted two 6-year-olds named Ren and Kuro with Enzi's Permission, Ryu, Kai.

Aizawa adopted Eri and some of the heroes also adopted children who had no parents or a place to live.

today I was on patrol until I got a call from Kai saying Enzi and Ryu were being taken to the hospital because they were about to give birth, I rushed to the hospital where Enzi and Ryu gave birth and met Kai, Mr. Ichio, Miss Roze, dad, and Mother and the two children I adopted and I asked about Enzi and Ryu.

they said that Enzi and Ryu were in labor and we could only wait for further news, the doctor said that Enzi and Ryu would be fine and asked me to wait.

I remembered that I never knew how many and what gender my child was because Enzi and Ryu wanted to make it a surprise, I asked Kai and he also didn't know because Enzi and Ryu always went to check alone and never told him the results of their checks.

I asked the doctor and the doctor said Enzi and Ryu were pregnant with twins with 2 boys and 2 girls, I was speechless because of what the doctor said, I will have four more children? Did I hear you right?

I woke up from my thoughts because Kai called me. After all, Enzi and Ryu had finished giving birth and we were allowed to see them and our child, I immediately opened the door to the hospital room and I saw Enzi and Ryu holding 2 babies in their hands and they smiled at me and Kai.

I went over to them and hugged them both and I held 2 babies in my arms and cried with happiness, I kissed Enzi and Ryu and Kai did the same and we smiled seeing our four children.

"I promise to look after the nine of you with Ren and Kuro until the end of my life," I said and I hugged Enzi, Ryu, Kai, and our four babies.

After a few minutes, I let go of my hug and I heard the sound of the door opening and saw my dad, mother, Mr. Ichio, Miss Roze, Izuma, and Kacchan enter the room.

"Congratulations Izuku, you are now a father of six kids," the mother said and hugged me.

"I am proud of you my son," dad said and hugged me.

"Congratulations little brother, you've become a father," Izuma said and I nudged him.

"I am taller than you little brother," I said and Izuma laughed.

"Congratulations Zuku, you are becoming a father," Kacchan said.

"Thank you kacchan, you are the uncle of my son so you will become the uncle of Kacchan," I said and Kacchan laughed.

"I hope your child does not have trouble talking when he is a childlike you," Kacchan said.

"but you like my call 'kacchan' right?" I said and Kacchan's face turned red.

"I admit it," Kacchan said.

"Izuku, if Ryu or one of my grandchildren is in danger of you I will hunt you," Mr. Ichio said.

"ok sensei, I'll take care of them with my life," I said and Mr. Ichio hugged me.

"Congratulations on the birth of your four children Izuku and Kaishi, I hope Hisashi and the others can see this" Miss Roze said and hugged us.

"I want to hold my granddaughter" Mom said and I gave one of the children in my hand.

"Do you have names for them?" Mom asked and I looked at Enzi and Ryu.

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