Chapter 7 : My Quirk

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Izuku POV

after Mr. Hisashi left the atmosphere became awkward because no one spoke until Kaishi said "so let me introduce myself, my name is Kaishi Midoria I am the successor of the Hope company, now it's your turn"  

"my name is Izuku, you can call me Izuku or Deku" I said, he answered "only Izuku? And why Deku? " I answered "first, yes just Izuku, second, someone who close to me called me Deku which means I can't do anything" he asked "what is your quirk?" I said "don't have"  

"why don't you have a house? where is your family?" he said, I answered "first, for the good of my twin brother I run from home, Second, all I can call family is only 2 people, 1. my twin brother he lives with Mr. and Mrs. Yagi, and 2. my teacher named Ichio he lives with his family at xxxx" "where are your parents?" he says, I replied "I don't want to talk about it" and he seemed to understand. 

After that Kaishi talked about many things like favorite games, his favorite food, and his dream of wanting to become a hero like his mother. not long after, there was a sound of the door knocking and Mr. Hisashi entered. Then he came over to me and asked "what quirk do you have?" I replied "I don't have one" he showed a confused face "then why did your eyes light up when you saved Kaishi?" my eyes light up? I replied "I don't know, but when I was 4 years old I was declared quirkless"

"do you want to do a retest to make sure you are quirkless or not?" he said, I answered "sure, why not?" after that he took me to the test room. 

After doing the test I was declared to have 2 quirks named Hunter and Soulmate Mark. Hunter is a quirk that allows me to do what a hunter can do and I can control the arrow after firing it (can only control it to turn right, left, up, and down) and the soulmate mark is a passive quirk that will activate when I find my soulmate. 

Hearing that I was happy because I could continue my dream of becoming a hero. after returning to the Kaishi room I immediately told him about my quirk and he said "congrats Izuku, now we can be heroes together" with a smile. 

I held her hand and said "thank you Kaishi" but then I felt a burning feeling on my shoulder and Kaishi also looked in pain like me, not long after that Mr. Hisashi came and saw his son in pain he asked "what's wrong?" I replied "Kaishi said he felt a burning sensation from his shoulder and this is the second time" hearing that Mr. Hisashi immediately examined his son. 

After he examined his son he said "the burning feeling is the effect of a soulmate's quirk which indicates his soul is nearby" I said "then why do I feel the same thing at the same time too?" Hearing this Mr. Hisashi said "maybe it is a coincidence? or your soulmate is one person? because there are cases of two people who have a quirk soulmate mark have the same soulmate but that case is very rare"

after Mr. Hisashi left them Kaishi said "if our soulmate is the same it means you become my soulmate too right?" I answered "yes?" He laughed and said, "Before we go home tomorrow, let's go around the hospital first, who knows our soulmate is still here" I answered "sure"  

"where do you sleep? there is no more bed in this room" he ask, I answered "on the chair next to you, I can sleep sitting" 

"sleep here with me in bed" he said while moving a little and giving space on the bed "if I sleep there you will sleep uncomfortable" I said , "just come here" he said as he pulled my hand towards him I gave up and lay beside him then he said "good  night"

---//Time Skip\\---

I wake up and look around and try to get out of bed but I can't, why? When I looked to my side I saw Kaishi sleep in peace while hugging my right hand, i trying to move my hand from him but couldn't, then i hear the sound of the door opening and it was Mr. Hisashi came in after he saw me and Kaishi he said. 

"You won't be able to let go if he doesn't want to" I asked "why?" he replied "Kaishi have habit like my wife, if he wants to hold something he hold it and won't let go" I laugh at that. then I felt the movement and looked at the source and saw Kaishi who began to wake up I smiled seeing him wake up, Mr. Hisashi said "you two look like a new couple" hearing this I felt my face heating up then Kaishi said "good morning dad and Izu" 

"Izu?" I ask,  Kaishi immediately blushed when he realized what he was saying and said "I-i mean Izuku" I heard Mr. Hisashi laugh and say "really you two are like a new couple, how do your soulmates feel seeing you like this" it made my face and Kaishi blushed I said "don't say like that Mr. Hisashi" he replied "don't call me sir, just call the doctor or dad is fine too" he smiled I decided to call him a doctor then he said.

"the reason I'm here is because I have news to you guys, I got tickets to the amusement park. Do you wanna go there? " Kaishi excitedly answered "I want to go!" then I answered "I want to" then the doctor said "only you two will go I can't come because there is an operation today so be careful on the road, and Izuku please take care of my child" he gave the ticket and gave me money and said "that money to buy breakfast and lunch" then he left us in the room. 

Then kaishi said "um ..." I looked at Kaishi he seemed like he wanted to say something then he said "Izu, can I borrow your clothes, I don't want to wear these clothes to the amusement park and dad doesn't bring clothes for me" while looking at me with puppy eyes. 

I answered "sure Kai, this" while giving clothes to him, he ask "Kai?" I answered "why? don't like to be called kai? you can call me Izu" he took the clothes that were in my hand and said "thank you Izu" I answered "let's change clothes" while taking off my hoodie and wearing a black long sleeve shirt. 

Kai just watched me change clothes and said "your body is nice" in a small voice but I still heard it and I said "why not change clothes? Like the view?" Kai's face immediately flushed red and he immediately took off his clothes and wear yellow shirt and gray sweater and he said "let's go" while pulling my hand.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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