Chapter 9 : Izuku Dairy

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Izuma POV

I was standing in front of the door of Izuku's room, I wanted to enter but I was afraid of what was inside I was afraid that the room was empty like he was never there, I sighed and opened the door. the new room inside was only a bed with white sheets, a clean and empty table, the shelf where he used to put his analysis book was empty and I opened his wardrobe, the wardrobe was empty.

I cried in that empty room and hoped this was just a dream, this wasn't real, I wanted to wake up and ask him not to leave but this is all reality and I went to my room and I saw a letter and a book on my bed I opened the letter and began to feel pain in his chest, after I read the letter I started reading the book that was on my bed, at first the writing was unclear and only from the middle I could read.

Date: xxxxx

today is my first day in grade 1 elementary school, I was escorted to the front of my class by my brother he was very overprotected, I was in the same class as Katsuki and some kids who liked to beat me up when I was still kindergarten, when I wanted to sit down Katsuki shouted "hey quirkless how are you ? " hearing that the whole class teased me and laughed at me.

Date: xxxx

I'm already getting used to the insults and teasing from my classmates, but today they started using their quirk to hurt me and threatened to kill me if I told the teacher, but I still said the teacher and the teacher just replied "it's just a joke don't need to be over exaggerate"

Date: xxxx

today I realized that people want to be friends with me just because they want to take advantage of me and I realized that no one wants to be friends with quirkless people like me.

Date: xxxx

Today Izuma and I were attacked by criminals Selime Izuma was injured for trying to save me, when I thought my life was over I was saved by my idol All Might and I asked All Might can I become a hero he said no and my dream was unrealistic, after I asked all the might to take Izuma to the hospital and I went home when I got home I was immediately scolded by my mother because Izuma was injured, because I was Inko's son and Tōshinori was injured I didn't belong in this house, I didn't deserve to be a brother Izuma and I will never be worthy.

After reading Izuku's diary, I felt hatred towards Katsuki, hatred for Izuku's classmates, hatred for my teacher, hatred for all might, hate towards my parents, and finally hate me who can't realize all of this. immediately I got up and went to meet my parents in the kitchen carrying Izuku's diary, when I got to the kitchen I immediately said "father, mother read this" while putting Izuku's diary to the table, they immediately came and saw the contents of the book and they looked like they couldn't believe what they read and Inko said.

"Izuku take all this alone? What kind of mother am I don't know this" while starting to cry and father said "what have I done? I destroyed my son's dream and even made him run away? I don't deserve to be a hero"

Don't deserve to be a hero? I asked "father hero?" dad nodded and said "dad is a hero who destroys your brother's dream and your mother is a hero named Psistorm, we keep it secret because we are afraid that you will be targeted by strong criminals" dad is a hero who destroyed Izuku dream? all might ?! "dad is all might ?!" he nodded and said.

"I did not expect to be like this, I should give one for all to Izuku, I'm so stupid" I asked "one for all? What is it?" My father explained what one for all is and said that he used to be quirkless and was given a quirk from his mentor. I was silent because I didn't know what to say.

---//On The Other Hand\\---

Izuku Pov

Arriving at the amusement park Kai pulled my hand from the entrance to the inside, inside he pulled me to various rides and I heard people around saying "that kids look like coupel" I could feel my face flushed, after riding some rides Kai was like running out of battery and becoming lethargic and I just remembered that we haven't eaten from morning and now it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon so I immediately took him to the place to sell food because he was tired and hungry he became grumpy and easily irritated.

when he got to the place to eat he immediately ordered various kinds of food and drinks while I only ordered a strawberry milkshake after a while the food came and Kai immediately ate with enthusiasm and because there was a lot of food he couldn't finish it and there was a lot leftover, I ate the leftover and I go paid for the food.

Kai was excited again and pulled my hand to a game hitting the target with a bow and arrow, the prizes of this game are ah a vouchers stay at a five-star hotel and kai want to try it, after he tried 3 times he gave up and I tried it I focused my mind and I started shooting arrows and hit all the targets this made the guard shocked and sighed he gave me voucher to stay at a five star hotel for 3 days 2 nights with an expiration date tomorrow I immediately invite Kai home to get ready to stay at a five star hotel for 3 days.

Arriving at the hospital, Kai and I immediately looked for a doctorate in and we found the doctor was resting in his office, we immediately went to him and Kai said "Dad, we got a voucher to stay at the hotel, can we go?" the doctor said "yes, and whose clothes are you wearing?" Kai answered with a flushed face "dad didn't bring me clothes so I borrowed Izu's clothes" hearing that the doctor laughed and said.

"Izuku can you accompany Kai to buy clothes for him? Because his clothes in Japan are too small for him" I answered "I can, but how about paying for it?" The doctor took out a black card with gold writing and gave it to me "Pay with this and Izu buy a cellphone, yours old cellphone has been damaged right" I nodded and said "thank you doctor" after that I went to the room where I put my belongings and Kai followed me from behind.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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