Chapter 17 : Truth Record

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oh wow there have been 2k people reading my story!

Thank you all of you who read my story, I'm very happy :)

I hope you like my story, if anything is missing please tell me.


Izuku POV

a week after we "training" with class 1-A they become very well behaved and for the next 1 month my teacher will train us, my teacher or Mr. Ichio will train me and Ryu how to shoot or throw at several targets at once while Kai is trained by miss roze makes Kai's attacks faster.

training from Mr. Ichio and Miss Roze are hell, our training so far with Miss Roze is nothing wrong with the training they both made before we did special training with them we had to run around the school 50 times without walking, if we walked there would be arrows right at next to our face from Mr. Ichio.

--- // Time Skip \\ ---

A month has passed from Mr. Ichio's arrival to school and today he will return to Japan, Mr. Ichio praises me because I can make an arrow that Mr. Ichio previously failed to make, this arrow is capable of detonating and spreading powder that makes people or animals unable to pass out instantaneously.

Mr. Ichio said before that he failed to make this arrow because when he detonates the arrow the powder will also disappear due to the explosion but I found a way to release the powder into the air first before detonating the arrow and weakening the explosion to just enough to create wind waves from the explosion scattering the powder in the air to the surroundings.

Mr. Ichio also gave me some arrow designs that he couldn't make and hoped I could make them, miss roze scolded Mr. Ichio for giving me a blueprint arrow which was very dangerous like P.I.D arrows which miss roze still haven't returned to me.

before Mr. Ichio went to the airport he ordered Izuma to come with a blonde ash-haired boy asking where I was but Mr. Ichio refused to tell him where I was, Mr. Ichio also said that Toshinori, Inko, and a detective had also come to ask the same thing after a few days after the arrival of Izuma and Bakugou and he only informed the detective where I was and asked him not to tell anyone.

I thank Mr. Ichio for not informing Izuma, Bakugou, Toshi and Inko of my existence, after Mr. Ichio left Miss Roze asked me to give the arrow designs that Mr. Ichio gave to sort out which ones can be made and which are not. .

after a few minutes the miss roze gave me 7 out of 12 arrow designs and i remember one that miss roze took was an arrow that produced smoke that could make people die instantly and i understand why he was sorting out the arrow designs from Mr. Ichio.

After 2 months of studying the arrow designs from Mr. Ichio I managed to make 7 arrows from the arrow designs selected by Miss Roze, I told Mr. Ichio and he asked what about the other 5 designs and I answered that they were taken by Miss Roze sir Ichio just laughed and said that the Yagi family had reported my disappearance on Japanese TV and they also said that I ran away in a bad environment and hoped I would come back with them again, hearing that I became annoyed because the Yagi family lied to Japanese society and Mr. Ichio said that detective was also very angry to hear the statement from the Yagi family.

Detektiv Tsukauchi spreads the reality of my story in Japan but no one believes and he wants me to testify directly from America and Mr. Ichio has told Miss Roze everything and Miss Roze agrees to help by making a recording from America sent to Detektiv then detektiv spread it to Japan.

After Mr. Ichio said everything on my room door was knocked and there was a student notifying that Miss Roze asked him to take me to a room that would be used for recording, I got ready and invited Kai and Ryu to accompany me to the recording and it was allowed by Miss Roze, I , Kai, and Ryu entered the room and started recording.

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