Chapter 18 : Conversation Between Villain and Victim

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Kaishi POV

after recording I looked at Ryu and he looked at me we both nodded and did what we planned before doing the recording.

--- // Flash Back \\ --- before recording.

Me, Izu, and Ryu were in our room, Izu was pointing his arrows at Mr. Ichio I whispered to Ryu.

"Ryu, let's surprise Izu" I said.

"what surprise?" Ryu asked.

"We kissed Izu's cheek together. You left cheek, I was right cheek I want to see how Izu reacts" I said.

"k-kiss?" Ryu said.

"Yes, all this time he's the only one kissing and we also have to show how much we like Izu" I said to convince Ryu.

"You're right, he always shows his love for us but we never show our love to him" Ryu said.

"Alright, let's do it" Ryu said.

when we looked at Izu he looked angry, maybe Mr. Ichio told him something about his past, I had heard the story firsthand when we first arrived in America but I felt he was still hiding something from me and Ryu.

"maybe now is not the right time" i said.

Ryu nodded and suddenly heard the door knocked and Izu checked it, after returning to his room he would do a recording to reveal the truth of his story in Japan and he wanted us to accompany him to help him calm down while he was recording.

Me and Ryu nodded and we changed clothes and headed for the recording room, when he got there Izu began to introduce himself with us and began to tell his life story.

after hearing the full story of his life I hugged Izu because he looked sad, angry, annoyed, and disappointed after he told his life story, Ryu also seemed to do the same thing while crying a little, maybe now is the right time to give Izu a gift.

--- // Present Time \\ ---

I kissed Izu's right cheek and Ryu kissed Izu's left cheek, Izu looked shocked and was silent for a few minutes then he stroked our hair and smiled happily.

"you make me love you more and more, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy" Izu said.

somehow but I like it when Izu stroked my hair. It makes me feel calm and loved. Ryu also looks very happy.

Izuku POV

after recording I was hugged by my two boyfriends and when I wanted to wake up they both pulled my hand and kissed my cheek together, I screamed in my mind, Kai and Ryu took the initiative to kiss me on my cheek together I was really happy.

When I realized I was looking at my two boyfriends they were looking at me with a look that made me want to do "something" to them but I still didn't want to force them to do that, I stroked their hair while smiling happily.

"you make me love you more and more, I will do whatever it takes to make you happy" I said, they look happy when I stroke their hair, they look cute.

After being satisfied stroking their hair I took them to the principal's office to give the video recording, when I got there Miss Roze sent the video to Detektiv and looked at the news in Japan, after 30 minutes later my video was played on Japanese TV and it seemed that the detective was being interviewed News reporter then detective answered all questions except where I was.

after finishing seeing the news I received a call from an unknown number, miss asked to be answered and raised her voice.

"Hello? What's this with Izuku?" the person from the telephone asked.

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