Chapter 35 : Exam 2

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Izuma POV

After seeing Izuku and Kai's fight I felt I had to do more training to match their abilities, soon Ryu's match will start soon I wonder if Ryu is as strong as Izuku and Kai.

When Ryu entered the battle arena, Ryu put his hand on the floor and a scythe formed on the ground and Ryu grabbed the sickle and swung it several times, the scythe was the same as Ryu's scythe I saw when I was training with him.

when the fight began Ryu ran towards his enemy but he didn't run as fast as Kai and Izuku and the enemy flew using his wings and flew towards Ryu then he attacked Ryu using his spear but Ryu managed to dodge then Ryu dropped his enemy using his sickle then he put his sickle near his opponent's neck and his enemy Ryu admitted defeat, after he was declared victorious Ryu walked out of the arena and he returned his scythe to ground.

I looked at Katsuki he looked amazed by the abilities of Izuku, Kai, and Ryu, he wouldn't admit it but I could see he was amazed then he invited me to do training after the exam was over.

I saw a few matches but nothing was as exciting as Izuku, Kai, and Ryu's matches until it's time for Enzi's match, Enzi's opponent is a student with a teleportation quirk this match will be very interesting.

When the match begins, Enzi's enemy moves behind Enzi but it looks like Enzi's opponent has fallen through the ground and Enzi is declared victorious because his enemy is outside the battle arena, Enzi smiles at his opponent and leaves the battle arena.

After the Enzi match the winning participants were given their hero licenses and congratulated on their graduation, after Izuku and his group were granted their hero licenses I, Katsuki, my family, the Bakugo family, Enzi's grandmother, Mr. Ichio, and Miss Roze walked towards them.

"Congratulations on passing your hero license exam" father said, Izuku looked at us after he heard father's voice.

"Thank you" Izuku and his group said.

"let's celebrate at home, toshi and masaru buy cake, mitsuki and miss violet please help me cook" mother said.

"Izuku and the others go have fun at the amusement park. Come back at 5pm to the Yagi residence to get ready for dinner" Mother said, Izuku, Kai, Ryu, Enzi, Katsuki, and I nodded and we were given money and 6 amusement park tickets. .

after that we parted with our parents and went to the amusement park, on the way we talked about various things until without knowing it we had arrived at the amusement park.

when we entered the amusement park we rode various rides there and we played several games that could get prizes, Izuku and katsuki had a match by getting as many points as possible to get the grand prize, a gaming laptop.

There is also a smartphone that is very expensive as a second gift. I, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi just laugh at the behavior of the two of them who are like children who are competing.

"I will beat you Izuku!" Katsuki said.

"in your dreams!" Izuku said.

After they competed with Izuku and Katsuki to get the same points, the game guard was shocked by Izuku and Katsuki's points that exceeded the highest points.

Izuku exchanged his points for smart phones and hero action figures while Katsuki exchanged his points for a laptop, after getting the prize we went home because it was 4:45 pm now.

we went home using Enzi's quirk to move to the attic and when we got to the attic we smelled the delicious smell of food from below, we went downstairs and saw that there was a fairly large cake on the table.

my parents and katsuki's parents were shocked by our sudden existence and we explained that we got some stuff so we used Enzi's quirk to move to the attic, after explaining to our parents they asked for our help to prepare table dishes for us all to eat together.

after we tidy up our table waiting for dinner time and after we have dinner mother informs that Miss Roze will stay in Mr. Ichio's mansion so Izuku, Kai and Ryu can sleep in the attic, mother also gave Izuku a gift who was already in the attic where Izuku slept together with other prizes.

After dinner the Bakugou family went home to their house while Katsuki stayed at my house, I invited Katsuki, Izuku, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi to watch a few films before we went to sleep and they agreed then we went to my room to watch movies using my laptop .

when we got to my room I took my laptop and asked what films we would watch and they said they wanted to watch horror films, while I was setting up my laptop Izuku went to the kitchen and made corn pop and grabbed some drinks for us while we watched the movie.

After I finished setting up my laptop Izuku came carrying 2 large bowls of pop corn and she used her quirk to carry several bottles of drinks, I walked towards Katsuki and sat on her lap and Izuku gave me a bowl and a bottle of drink then she walked towards Kai, Ryu, and Enzi.

when Izuku sat Kai and Ryu walked towards Izuku and kai sat on Izuku's lap while Ryu sat on Kai's lap, Enzi leaned on the Izuku then I started the film and we enjoyed watching the film while eating pop corn.

After a few hours I watched a movie on Katsuki's lap I fell asleep.

Katsuki POV

After several hours of watching the film I heard a small snoring sound from under me, when I looked down on me I saw Izuma who was sleeping on my lap, Izuma was very cute when he was asleep.

I looked at Izuku who was lifting Kai, Ryu, and Enzi using his quirk then he said good night to me and he went out of Izuma's room, I lifted Izuma from my lap and put him on the bed then I turned off Izuma's laptop and lay down next to Izuma while hug him.

"do I deserve to be your boyfriend after all the bad things I did" I said softly.

"It's just the past, now you've changed for the better" Izuma said in a low voice.

"You and Izuku are very similar, you and Izuku are people who can forgive me and accept me for who I am and want to be friends, best friends, and even now you are my boyfriend. I am very lucky to meet you two in my life" I said.

"I love you" I said.

"love you too" Izuma said.

after he said that I felt very happy and I promised I would get better and would take care of you and everyone close to me, I was really lucky to be your boyfriend.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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