Chapter 37 : Visit

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Izuku POV

After preparing a few things me and my group went to Mr. Ichio's mansion to ask Miss Roze for help to send proof that White's innocence to the TV station in Amarika, after arriving at Mr. Ichio's mansion I knocked on the door of the mansion and not long after Mr. Ichio opened the door then invited us to enter.

Mr. Ichio asked the purpose of our arrival and I explained our plan to help White, after I explained Miss Roze came and asked the same question as Mr. Ichio then Mr. Ichio explained to Miss Roze.

After Mr. Ichio explained Miss Roze asked if I had evidence of White's innocence and how strong the evidence was, I told all the things I found to Miss Roze and Miss Roze nodded and said my evidence was strong enough to help White avoid the death penalty.

Miss Roze asked for proof that I have and she took out her smart phone and called someone, after a few minutes Miss Roze called she came back and told me that my evidence will be broadcast at midnight on American TV stations.

after Miss Roze said that we decided to go home and wait for the results tonight, when I got home I remembered that I, Kai, and Ryu had not visited Kai's father's grave or Mr. Hisashi's grave.

It's been more than 6 years since Mr. Hisashi's death and we haven't visited his grave at all, I told Kai and Ryu.

"Kai and Ryu, I want to talk to you" I said sadly, they looked at me with a confused face.

"What's wrong Izu?" Kai asked.

"Kai, it's been 6 years since Mr. Hisashi's death and we haven't visited his grave at all" I said sadly, Kai looked shocked and disbelieved.

"How could I forget ?! Izuku, Ryu, and Enzi let's go to dad's grave!" Kai said while pulling our hand and the others following us from behind.

 I used my telekinesis quirk to fly us all and because I had a hero license I was able to use my quirk in public without getting into trouble, when he got in front of the cemetery Kai ran in to find his father's grave ad stopped in front of a tomb that was quite large and nice.

I walked towards the grave then I saw the name on the grave.

Here is buried

HIsashi Midoria

born ** / ** / **** dead ** / ** / ****

Doctor Midoria is a great doctor who has saved hundreds to thousands of lives, owner of Hope's company and the best doctor in Japan.

may his soul be calm in the afterlife.

After reading the writing on the grave I looked at a photo that was in the tomb, the photo was a photo of Mr. Hisashi carrying Kai as a child and he smiled at the camera together with little kai.

"Dad, sorry I didn't visit you sooner" Kai said as he started to cry, I saw Ryu and the others walking towards us.

"Sorry to forget you" Kai said and he cried even louder.

I hugged Kai and he hid his face in my chest while continuing to cry then Ryu and Enzi walked towards us and he hugged Kai from behind while Izuma looked very sorry and Kacchan was beside him, after a few minutes Kai stopped crying and he looked at Mr. Hisashi's grave.

"Dad, I hope you are happy there like I am happy here, now I have a partner who is always there and supports me and also a friend who always helps me when I'm in trouble .." Kai said.

".. now, I have a place to come back to and people who will always welcome me. I'm very happy and I hope you're happy there with Mom" ​​Kai said with a smile and he wiped his tears.

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