Chapter 36 : Rescue Plan

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Izuku POV

After we watched a movie in Izuma's room I took Kai, Ryu, and Enzi to the attic because Enzi had asked permission to sleep with us to his grandmother and his grandmother allowed, when I wanted to pass under the old table the table had disappeared and all the boxes that became the wall for the room had disappeared replaced with a wooden wall and there was a door where there should be an old table, I opened the door and saw my room which looked like it had become bigger there used to be only one folding bed so there was a new bed, a table , chairs, and a small bookcase.

On the table there were several gifts wrapped for me, Kai, Ryu, and Enzi. I put Kai, Ryu, and Enzi on the bed and sat on a chair and I saw the three of them then stroked their hair.

somehow I became happy stroking the hair of the three of them for no apparent reason, I tried stroking other people's hair but I didn't feel what I felt when I stroked the hair of the three of them, after I was satisfied stroking their hair I went to the kitchen to get drink while looking at american news from my smart phone.

I scrolled through the news from America until a piece of news caught my attention, the news was about the determination of the white jones execution date and it was said on the news that White was found guilty of all charges in court and White did not say anything while in court, I feel sorry for him because we are the same age and he has a lot of potential to be great in the future.

Then when I wanted to close my smartphone I saw an article about the jones family which was declared innocent because they said White had no blood relations with them because White was an adopted child, they showed evidence that White was an adopted child with DNA test evidence.

After I read further I felt sorry for White because not only was he made a scapegoat by the government but also the Jones family did not support him at all and even used him to avoid punishment, I closed my smartphone and accelerated my steps to the kitchen.

when I was close to the kitchen I heard a sound coming from the kitchen and the kitchen light was on, when I saw who it turned out to be Inco- I mean mom who was cooking.

I'm still not used to calling Inko and Toshinori Mom and dad even I call Izuma by his name instead of brother, I've forgiven them but I'm still not used to calling them my family plus for the past 6 years I called them Inko, Toshinori, and Izuma maybe because of that I'm still getting used to calling them mother, father and brother.

"mom? what were you doing in the middle of the night?" I ask.

"preparing breakfast, I feel bad because you always cook" Mother replied, I looked at the clock and I just realized it was 5:30 am.

"Don't feel bad, I just used to cook for a lot of people while I was in America and it has carried over until now" I said while looking at what mom was cooking.

"what are you cooking?" I ask.

"Katsudon, your favorite food, you used to always ask mom to cook katsudon when you were little" mother replied, I was happy because mom remembered my favorite food when I was little but when I saw her she looked sad.

"mom? what's wrong? why do you look sad?" I ask.

"I'm okay, I just feel I became a bad mother for you, mother is very sorry" Mom replied with tears, I approached her and hugged her.

"It's okay mom, I have forgiven you and the others" I said while calming my mom.

"Me and your father have become bad parents for you and even we made you leave the house, after the detective told us that you left the house, you felt very sad and asked why you left the house but after I Izuma showed your diary, my mother realized. all my mistakes as a mother, Izuku forgive mom "mom said while crying.

"It's just the past, I have forgiven you and all of my family, so don't cry mom" I said and mom's crying started to stop.

"Izuku, thank you" mom said and we continued to prepare breakfast.

After we prepared our breakfast chatting in the kitchen, mother asked me what I was doing in America and various other things.

"Izuku, what are you thinking? You look like you are thinking about something?" mom asked.

"Have you heard of the student massacre in America?" I ask.

"You mean the student disassembly of Brooklyn Academy?" mom replied.

"Yes, do you know the reason for the massacre?" I ask.

"What I know is that the massacre is the act of a group of dangerous criminals in America who want to show their abilities by slaughtering the number 1 hero school students in America, why?" mom replied.

"All the news is wrong, the massacre was not the work of criminal or terrorist groups but the work of the American government" I said.

"American government? What do you mean Izuku?" mom ask.

"The government is targeting a student who has the potential to threaten the American government because of the information that student has," I replied.

"And that student is me, they slaughtered all the students because I refused the offer and even threatened the American government because they dared to threaten the safety of my friends" I said.

"Why are you being targeted by the American government ?! What information do you have until they are targeting you ?!" mom said worriedly.

"Mom, you know I heal dad's wounds that all doctors can't cure and I am the one Mr. Nezu asked for help, America doesn't know the medicine I gave Dad but they want me to make a weapon that can kill a lot of people" I said.

"Plus I am a researcher and inventor who is very genius and is sought after by the whole world" I said.

"back to what I was thinking" I said and mom looked at me.

"The person who was blamed for the massacre of the students was not guilty, he was only carrying out orders, even he was threatened if he did not follow the orders of his family and his loved ones would be killed" I said.

"And when he needs his family they say they don't have a relationship with White. They even say they don't think of White as a member of their family" I said with my head down.

"I want to help him but I'm afraid my family and people closest to me will be in danger" I said.

"Do what you do right, I will always support you" Mom said.

"We will also help you Izu!" I heard Kai's voice from behind and I looked behind me and saw Kai, Ryu, Enzi, Izuma, Kacchan, and my dad behind me.

"but I have nothing to do with him, I never even met him" I said.

"but he's innocent, would you like to let an innocent person die?" Kacchan asked.

"No." I replied.

"then save him" kacchan said.

"But after I save him the government will hunt him down or arrest him again" I said.

"Think of a way to help him and secure him, you are Izuku. You always find a way to help others" Kacchan said.

"thank you kacchan" I said.

"I have a way to save it but ..." I said.

"just do it, we will help you as much as we can" Kai said.

"This plan requires Enzi's quirk and we need some equipment," I said.

I mumbled about what things we need and the next plan until the plan if my original plan failed, after I finished designing everything I mother took us all breakfast and after breakfast I will immediately prepare everything we need for White's rescue plan.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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