Chapter 15: "Training" 1

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Izuku POV

It's been 3 years since me, Kaishi, and Ryu lived in the Brooklyn Academy dormitory, our dorm friends have now graduated and become professional heroes, while living with class 1-A for 3 years changed us.

Kaishi and I started cursing a lot, but in front of Ryu we curse less often because we want to keep Ryu's innocence, if someone curses in front of Ryu we see that person with a look ready to kill that person, for 3 years we were trained by Miss Roze, Miss Roze's training was very tiring but the results did not disappoint, now our abilities are equivalent to class 3-A.

because our dorm mates have passed our dorms filled with new class 1-A, new class 1-A is so annoying and arrogant they feel that they are invincible and because we are upset we asked miss roze to allow us to "train" with The new student, Miss Roze initially refused because after all the training we did our abilities were way above theirs but after a few days the miss roze allowed her because she heard complaints from the teachers regarding the behavior of the new 1-A students.

miss roze allowed us to "train" class 1-A during our training hours in Alpha field and notify teachers and alumni who live with us to watch us give class 1-A "training" in Alpha field, At first almost all the teachers at Brooklyn Academy doubted our ability to fight and only a few teachers who had seen us training agreed with Miss Roze.

when it was time for us to do our training we went to the Alpha field and saw all Class 1-A, teachers, and alumni who were in the same dormitory with us before, we approached Miss Roze who was in the middle of Alpha field and when we sempai beside Miss Roze she said that we will fight class 1-A 1 vs 1 and if class 1-A loses they have to promise to listen to the teacher and if we lose we will clean the whole school for a whole week, hearing that the faces of Class 1-A smile and the alumni of Class 1-A The ones who have done training with us showed their faces holding back laughing at the proud smiles of class 1-A.

miss roze told us that he was the one who trained us directly then he allowed Kaishi to use his sword but don't hurt too badly and asked class 1-A to choose which one of the three we wanted to fight, after miss roze said it was a male student said that they wanted to fight the three of us directly, Miss Roze and alumni 1-A smiled at the student's words.

"It's okay but I warn you three of them are a team and they are stronger together" Miss Roze said with a smile.

"They are only 3 small children, what can they do?" The male student said with an arrogant smile.

"You two shut up I will handle this fool" I said while taking out my bow from my waist bag.

"A bow? You can't hit me with that you brat" the male student said arrogantly because his quirk was speed.

"You'll see, you fool" I said while using my quiver.

"Miss Roze what arrows do you allow" I asked Miss Roze.

"Anything except PID, I know you've made it Izuku, it's up to you to use any arrow other than PID" Miss Roze said, PID stands for poison, instant, Death, a poison mixture that I put into an arrow that can kill people in time. 5 seconds.

"How can you-, I just remembered Mr. Ichio's friend, okay even though I want to test it" I said while giving P.I.D. arrows.

"I don't want any deaths in class 1-A" Miss Roze said while taking P.I.D's arrows.

"Then I'll just use my invention" I said while taking out an arrow S.I.V stands for Shock, Instant, Vainted.

When the battle started the student ran around me at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye, I just aimed my bow forward quickly and there was a loud crash and then the student fainted in front of me.

"You are so stupid, you can't even avoid the bow in front of you" I said, and all 1-A class and teachers looking down on us looked shocked.

"Izuku how many times have I told you not to use your bow to hit someone else your bow will break" Miss Roze scolded me.

"but this fool who ran towards my bow, not me who hit him with my bow" I said and miss roze hit my head, hearing it was Kaishi, Ryu, and class 1-A who had passed laughing very hard.

"Anyone else want to challenge them?" Miss Roze asked.

"I want to challenge the orange haired boy '" said the male student.

"Okay, Kaishi remember not to kill him" Miss Roze said, the student who challenged Kaishi had a quirk that could create weapons from shadows.

"ok miss roze" Kaishi said while taking out his sword.

"let's see how strong you are brat" the male student said while creating a shadow sword.

When the fight started, Kaishi walked towards the student and when he was close enough he attacked the student quickly so that no one could see his attack, after a while the student started to fall and bleed all over his body, Kaishi put his sword and walked away.

"Kaishi, I said don't hurt him too much" Miss Roze said while hitting Kaishi and taking Kaishi's sword.

"Izuku, can you give medicine for the wound that Kaishi has caused?" Miss Roze asked.

"There is a miss but the scar will still be visible" I said.

"You want to make him always remember that he was defeated by a Kaishi, right? Because from what I know there is a medicine from Ichoi's book that can remove scars and heal him" Miss Roze said with a smile.

"Yes, I don't like people who underestimate their opponent and are rude" I said while looking for the medicine needed.

"umm .. miss you didn't call the medical or doctor to cure that student?" one of the teachers asked.

"For what? Izuku is a doctor" Miss Roze said, everyone was shocked even class 1-A had passed.

"the child is a doctor? I do not believe, who did he learn from?" a teacher asked.

"He was a student from Ichio Nayama or better known as The Doctor Hero number 3 America before he retired and my friend" Miss Roze said.

"The doctor? the person who made the book that was highly sought after in the world because the contents were very complete, this child was his student" one of the teachers asked, I already know that Mr. Ichio is not an archery athlete because of all the recipe books he gave me.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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