Chapter 4 : Accidents and Realization

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Izuma POV

It's been a month since Izuku showed me his secret training ground and since then I always go with him to his training place, Now Izuku is doing archery training every day from school hours to dinner, and on holidays from morning to night, he is not only training archery he also likes to study medicine even he knows how to mix drugs to make people paralyze and drugs that make people numb he can also do first aid perfectly. 

I always wonder why he doesn't want other people to know about his abilities even though his ability is so great and when I ask him he always says "it's not that hard and I'm sure other people can" in fact I can't do what he does.

Izuku and I were walking home from the training ground today, Mr. Ichio is going out of town to attend an event and he will be back at night, so Izuku can't train today and it made him sad I tried to cheer him up by saying "don't be sad tomorrow you can train again, let's buy some ice cream ok" he just nodded and started walking home.

3rd POV

On their way home, Izuku and Izuma passed through a quiet alley without them knowing they were not alone, under a drain, there is a Villain who is hiding and waiting for his victim to show up, when Izuku stood above the water drain he was caught by a Villain with slime body, Izuma trying to save Izuku but he was getting hit by an attack from the Villain, Izuma hit a wall and unconscious, Izuku was trying to struggle from the villain but he can't cause his body weakened from lack of oxygen.

"stop fighting and become my new body," The villain said, Izuku heard something and he sees someone standing in front of him, and The Villain.

"don't be afraid, I'm here!"That person said and not long after that the criminal bounced and freed Izuku when Izuku awakened he saw that all might was putting the criminal into the bottle, cause All Might is Izuku Idol he stands up and approaching All Might to ask some question.

"can I ask something" Izuku Ask All Might and All Might look at Izuku. 

"Sure, what's your name young man?" all might answer. 

"Izuku Yagi" Izuku said.

"What is your question young Yagi?" all might ask. 

"can a quirkless person be a hero like you?" Izuku asks. 

"sorry young man but the answer is no, you need quirk to catch criminals and without a quirk, you will only get hurt and even lose your life" All might answer with a sad tone,  hear that Izuku feel sad but he try not to show it. 

"oh ... ok, thank you for answering my question, can you help me bring my brother to the hospital?" Izuku said when looking at Izuma. 

"Sure, how about you?" all might asked.

"My house is not far from here, thanks you all might" Izuku answered, and after saying that Izuku took her bag and her brother's bag and went home.

Toshinori Yagi / All Might POV

I was on patrol I suddenly heard a loud crash from a quiet alley, I ran there and I saw my son was unconscious and Izuku who was caught by a slime villain, I  use my quirk and go safe them. 

"no need to fear, I'm here!" I said with using my quirk and then hit the criminal, not long after that Izuku woke up and he approaches me. 

"can I ask something," Izuku asks, I know what he will ask and I hope I don't wrong answer his question.

"Sure, and what's your name?" I ask. 

"Izuku Yagi" Izuku said.

"What is your question young Yagi?" I ask.

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