Chapter 19 : Angry And Get Advice

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Izuma POV

After hearing Izuku's anger no one spoke and I thought about Izuku's words, I knew I was wrong because I forgot about it and I took it too lightly even though it was a very important incident for my brother, I've been trying to find out about soulmates in internet and I know that soulmates share their feelings and that incident killed the father of Izuku's soulmate of course he also feels pain and sadness to lose someone very important in his life, I have also found out about Izuku's partner named Kaishi and I know that Kaishi's mother died when he was a baby and since then his father was the only one he had, I killed Kaishi's father so of course he didn't want Izuku to come back to Japan or even see me, because no one spoke I opened my mouth and started talking.

"we should just stop trying to get Izuku to come back, he is happy where he is now and we have no right to bother him now" I said sadly.

"But he's our family, we should be able to bring him back-" before Mom finished speaking I cut him off.

"We are no longer worthy to call him our family! He's been hanging out for 3 years at home hoping that you guys can assume he's back and you didn't do that! you two don't deserve to be his parents!" I said angrily and looked down.

"I also don't deserve to be his brother, I have killed hundreds of people and also I have killed Kaishi's father, Kaishi only has his father in his life because his mother died when he was little and I killed his father, I can't imagine how sad he is and his suffering losing his only parent, Izuku must also feel what Kaishi feels because he is Kaishi's soulmate" I said softly and tears rolled down my face.

Izuku has done a lot for me and his parents and he has also tried his best to stay with his family who don't even care about him, now that he is happy with people who care and love him we are trying to pull him back with us, of course Izuku will not wants to come back with us after what we did to him, even so he doesn't want to destroy our lives and he even protects us, I'm sure Izuku wouldn't have made that tape if Mom and Dad didn't announce Izuku's loss publicly but still hide half the truth , on that tape also Izuku did not say that the explosion was my fault and he said that it was his fault.

"I'm the one who doesn't deserve to be your brother Izuku, not you who don't deserve to be my brother" I said in the midst of my tears, no one spoke at all and Katsuki just hugged me.

No one spoke for a few minutes and Aunt Mitsuki tried to lighten the mood by taking us all out to eat, I declined the invitation and I went home and Katsuki followed me, when I got home I went to my room and there I saw my photo with Izuku on my study table and I took it, I took the photo on our birthday which we celebrated a few days after our original birthday, at that time I just got my cellphone and I took the photo to test the cellphone camera, in that photo Izuku is smiling happily and I'm also smiling next to him and I can see there are some band aid  on Izuku's face even I can see bruises on his neck, all of them are the result of bullies at school, I took the photo and I cried again.

How can Izuku smile happily like that even though he's always suffering? Always hurt after school, never considered by his parents, had to earn money at a young age, and had to cook for himself and even shop for himself to eat, I cried while looking at the photo in my hand and Katsuki sat next to me and he tried to calmed me down but it didn't work, not because he's bad at calming me down but I'm too sad right now and also I'm in a state of blaming myself, I thought of Mr Ichio and I stood up then I grabbed my jacket.

"kat, don't follow me, I'll be back tonight, now I have to meet someone" I said.

"where are you going? Why can't I come with you?" katsuki asked.

"Izuku and I's secret place, I can't betray Izuku by taking you there" I said and left the room.

I used my quirk so I could go faster and when I arrived in front of Mr Ichio's mansion I knocked on Mr Ichio's mansion door, After a while the door opened and I saw Mr Ichio and he didn't look very happy to see me.

"what do you want come to my house?" Mr Ichio said at the door and he sounded very displeased with me.

"I didn't come to ask about Izuku or things with Izuku, I came because I wanted to ask your opinion, you are the only person I can ask for opinions" I said honestly and Mr. Ichio was on hold for a while then sighed.

"Come in" Mr. Ichio said and let you into his house.

"So what do you want to ask for my opinion?" Mr. Ichio said while sitting on the sofa.

"You know about Izuku's recording right?" I asked and Mr Ichio nodded.

"My parents and also the bakugou family or my boyfriend's family contacted Izuku earlier and everything went badly," I said and Mr Ichio was silent.

"So?" Mr. Ichigo asked.

"You know about the incident that killed Doctor Hisashi?" I asked and Mr Ichio nodded.

"Of course, Hisashi is my best friend, I know about the news of his death, why?" Mr. Ichigo asked.

"Do you know that it was me who made it happen?" I asked and Mr Ichio was silent for a while and he shook his head.

"Izuku never wanted to explain to me why he was late, can you explain what you did to make Izuku late to go to the hospital at that time?" Mr Ichio said and I nodded, I told him about what really happened and Mr Ichio looked angry but he calmed down after a while.

"So it's like that, you are indeed wrong about that but I can't blame you completely, in this case Izuku is also wrong because he didn't answer your question but that doesn't mean you're not wrong, you should just follow him" Mr. Ichio said and I looked down .

"I know, the problem is there, I can say forgetting about that incident" I said and I could see Mr Ichio's face became very angry.

"You better have a good reason to forget about it" Mr. Ichio said and I was scared.

"I-I forgot about the incident because I followed a therapy or something like that" I answered and Mr. Ichio asked me to explain.

"My parents realized that I had become different since that incident and they felt I had a problem so they tried to send me to a hypnosis therapy to solve my problem, you could say the trap made me forget my problems but it was only temporary, when someone brought it up it would that's when the person will remember it again, I still can't remember the incident but after I asked why Kaishi didn't want to go back to Japan my memory just came back and Izuku was so pissed I'd forget it until it didn't give me a chance to explain why I forgot that" I explained and Mr Ichio leaned back and looked at me.

"I did hear about the therapy and even tried it, I can't blame you for that, I trust you because I know Izuku's character more than you think and what you said earlier is one of his bad traits now, you should explain to Izuku about that but not now, I will help you tell about the therapy but you should not call him now," Mr. Ichio said and you nodded, Mr. Ichio took his cellphone and he seemed to type something then he looked waiting.

"Izuku told me about the incident on the phone but from his side and I also talked about the therapy with him but you didn't tell him about you following the trap and just said you might follow the trap so you have to keep showing that you really changed to Izuku" Mr Ichio said and I nodded.

"thank you Mr Ichio" I said and I stood up.

"Tomorrow I will come again, there are many things I want to ask your opinion" I said and Mr Ichio nodded.

"Oh, do you think I can invite my boyfriend to your house?" I asked before leaving and Mr Ichio was silent for a while.

"It's okay" Mr. Ichio said and I went home, while on the road I felt my burden was reduced a little and I felt my feelings became a little relieved after talking with Mr. Ichio.

The next day I took katsuki to Mr. Ichio's house and while you were there you came back to talk about my problems and katsuki also asked Mr. Ichio's opinion about him who used to bully Izuku, I still didn't talk to my parents and somehow they managed to find Mr. Ichio's mansion After 4 days Katsuki and I asked Mr. Ichio's opinion and Mr. Ichio ignored my parents who asked about Izuku's whereabouts.

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