Chapter 21 : Gift for Ryu

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Izuku POV

I was discussing a new arrow project with Mr. Ichio, after we exchanged opinions and designed the arrow, there was a pretty good arrow design and Mr. Ichio told me some prescription medicines he just found to cure people.

"Ah .. I just remembered, in 2 days Ryu will have his birthday. Did you know about that Izuku?" Mr. Ichio said.

"I don't know, Ryu never told me and I also never asked" I said.

"Well he really doesn't like to discuss his birthday because he has a bad experience with his birthday" Mr. Ichio said.

"why what happened?" I ask.

"Ryu's mother died when it was his birthday" Mr. Ichio said.

"Do you think I should celebrate his birthday or not, I want to celebrate but I am afraid he will feel sad instead" I said sadly.

"Celebrate with Kaishi and give him a good memory, make him happy even though it's the day his mother died. Make him feel that day is also a happy day for him and tell him that his mother would want him to be happy on his birthday" Mr. Ichio said.

"Thank you, teacher I will make something for Ryu. I hope he likes it and Mr. Ichio in 3 days you will come here right?" I say.

"Yes, why?" Mr. Ichio asked.

"Can you buy a gift from Japan for Ryu? I'll replace the money later" I said.

"Why? Ryu miss Japan?" Mr. Ichio said.

"Chances are, he saw a movie and wanted to eat Japanese food" I said.

"OK, I'll buy something from Japan, bye" Mr. Ichio said while cutting the video call.

After I talked with Mr. Ichio I went to my workshop, I put the new arrow design on the table and I thought about what I should make for Ryu, I got the idea to make the main weapon for Ryu Because from what I noticed when we were training if he canceled his quirk everything he made would return to his original form and Ryu became unarmed and he needed time to make his weapon back.

"What should I make? a sword? a dagger? a spear? Or-, I know! Ryu's scythe is better at using the scythe because it's the first weapon he uses during training" I said alone.

"And also no one thought the innocent Ryu uses a scary weapon" I said with a smile to myself.

After I decided what weapon I would make I designed the weapon design and I designed the weapon to have 2 shapes, one, a cylinder measuring 15 cm and the second, a 2 meter long sickle.

After finishing designing weapons for Ryu I brought the design to the principal's room to report the design to Miss Roze and asked for materials to make it, after arriving in front of the principal's room I knocked on the door and entered.

"What need are you here Izuku?" Miss Roze asked.

"Design, this is not an arrow but a weapon for Ryu because I noticed that he becomes unarmed if he doesn't use his quirk" I said while giving Ryu a weapon design.

"Hmm .. why did you choose to give Ryu a scythe? Why not something simpler like a sword?" Miss Roze asked.

"Because Ryu is more accustomed to using a sickle than other weapons" I said.

"And it will shock the enemy, an innocent child as Ryu uses a scary weapon" I said.

"You're right about that, fine I'll allow this design" Miss Ryu said while returning Ryu's weapon design.

"Take the required ingredients in storage and don't take too many ingredients" Miss Roze said.

"Thank you Miss Roze" I said as I walked out of the room and went to the storage room.

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