Chapter 3 : Archery and old mansion

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Izuku POV

After last night's incident, I decided to tell Izuma about the training I was doing in secret, (Here Izuku doesn't do training like in his cannon but instead, he does parkour and archery exercises at an old mansion at night)

"I will tell him after school,"  I said to myself, after that, I prepared for school.

During the trip to school Izuma, as usual, tried to convince me to fight back when being bullied and as usual I said.

"later they will get bored bullying me," I said and he said.

"as usual I'll wait in front of your class," he said, I wanted to say 'stop doing that but I closed my mouth again because I already knew what he was going to say after I say that. 

When I got to class I said goodbye to Izuma and entered the classroom in the classroom I gave my classmate's book and asked for payment to do their homework, When it was time for lunch I went out of the classroom to meet Izuma, When I was outside the classroom I didn't see Izuma anywhere then I tried to look for him. 

after a few minutes, I found him fighting with his classmates in the school hallway I approached him and tried to separate them, not long after I try to separate them the teacher came and asked Izuma and his classmate who had fought with him to follow the teacher's his room, I ask Izuma classmate why he looked so angry and his classmate said. 

"stay away from me quirkless" he said, other classmates started insulting me and told me to leave them alone, hear all that I went away from them and went to meet my friends in class when I in front of my class heard my friends talk with another classmates and kacchan. 

"why do you want to be friends with trash like Izuku," Kacchan asks.

"Yeah, why are you friends with trash like him" the other said classmate ask.

"I just used him to do my homework and ask him for money" my friend replied.

"Actually I don't want to be close to him but I'm afraid his brothers will beat me up if I stop being friends with him," he said, hearing that I feel so betrayed and went to the bathroom, I try to not cry but I can't hold my tear, After a few minutes crying I wash my face and go to class and pretend nothing happened.

When it was time to go home from school I tidied up my belongings and quickly left the classroom, outside of the classroom I saw Izuma talking to a girl and he seems annoyed and his face full of wounds, when he saw me he left the girl and approached me then he takes me to go home while keep ignoring the girl that tries to talk to him, while on the way home I ask him why he fights at lunch.

"Why do you fight during lunch? and let me take care of your wound" He just nodded and I tell him to sit on the bench in the park. 

"you've been crying? Who makes you cry I will beat him until he regrets making you cry!" he said with a very angry tone and stand up from the bench, I was shocked he can know that I cry before. 

"h-how do you....." I was cut off by Izuma who said. 

"tell me who did it or I'll beat everyone in your class," He said angrily and after he said that I told him everything that happens and he listening, after that, he looked very angry and like he was going to kill someone.

"don't kill them, just, forget it ok?" I said while making him sit on a bench again and began to take out a first aid kit and began treating the wounds on his face. 

"why do you have a first aid kit in your bag?" he asked. 

"just in case" I answered while continuing to treat him, then he was silent and after I did treat him I tell him to come to my room tonight.

"tonight after dinner meets me in my room I want to tell you something," I said he just nodded.

When we got home as usual my mother only welcomed Izuma, I went straight to the room and did my habit of counting money today, write a diary, doing homework, and tidying up my room when it's dinner time, as usual, I go to the kitchen and cook my own food while my family eats there diner. 

why do I cook by myself? because my mother forgets my existence in this house and Izuma often asks why she only cooks for 3 people and mom always answers "sorry I forgot about Izuku" and it sometimes makes me feel that I've died.

After dinner, Izuma came to my room and I took him to the roof through my window, He was confused but he still followed me when we got to the roof he asked "what do we want to do here?" then I said. 

"We are going to my secret training ground not far from here" then I jumped onto the roof of another house and I heard him shout "IZUKU !!!" At first, I was confused why he shouted then I realized he had never seen me Parkour.

"Hehe, I forgot you never saw me Parkour before," I said while scratching the back of my neck, Izuma using his quirk to fly towards me then he said. 

"you stupid, you make me panic" While hitting my head I laughed and said 

"Sorry I forgot, let's continue to my training place," I said while starting to parkour from house to house with Izuma floating next to me, went we arriving in front of an old mansion Izuma looked confused and asked 

"Is this the place?"Izuma ask.

"no, my practice site is behind this mansion but before we go there we have to meet someone first" I reply. 

"who?" he asked, I just smiled and started walking to the mansion next to the old mansion.

3rd POV

Izuma followed Izuku to the mansion next door. Izuku knocked on the door of the mansion and soon an old man named Mr. Ichio came out,  Mr. Ichio was a retired archery athlete that lives alone in this mansion, when Mr. Ichio sees Izuku dan Izuma Mr. Ichio look confused he asked.

"Why are there two Izuku? Am I drunk?" Mr. Ichio asks and Izuku laughs.

"You are not drunk Mr. Ichio, this is my twin brother Izuma, I took him to the training ground," Izuku said and Mr. Ichio nodded.

"Wait a minute I'll get ready," Mr. Ichio said, and then Mr. Ichio went into his mansion, not long after that Mr. Ichio came with an archery bag. 

"why did you bring him here? usually, you always alone?" Mr. Ichio asks.

"I tell him my secret training because he is the only one I trust besides you Mr. Ichio" Izuku reply 

"and he is also a person who is always there when I'm at home," Izuku said sadly, after that they go to the back of the old mansion.

Izuma POV

I went with Izuku and Mr. Ichio to the back of the old mansion when we got to the back of the old mansion I was surprised because behind the old mansion there is a wide field and there are several archery targets in the field and Izuku said. 

"don't tell anyone about this is ok," Izuku said with a smile on his face and I just nodded, I watched Izuku's archery practice with Mr. Ichio and I asked Izuku.

"You do this every night?" I ask. 

"not every night, only 3 times a week. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday" Izuku answered while still focusing on training, after watching Izuku practice I think Izuku was very good at archery and I was amazed by his ability on archery.

Sorry if there is a word error because English is not my first language

For starters, I will update as often as possible because this is my first story, and there is a possibility that I will run out of ideas in the middle of the story, and when that happens I might update once a week.

I received suggestions for the rest of the story so please give me suggestions ok? :)

Bye see you next time

X Ryan

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